Have a Seddie christmas :)

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"True love stories never have endings..."

Sam's POV

"Freddie, come quick!" I whispered to my sleeping husband.

We had been married for three years now, and they had been the best three years of my life. A year into our marriage, I gave birth to our beautiful baby daughter, Caterina. She had curly blonde hair, like me, and big brown eyes, like Freddie. A year after Caterina's birth, I gave birth to another baby girl, who we named Carla. She had Freddie's chestnut brown hair, and my deep blue eyes. It was Carla's birthday yesterday, Christmas Eve. She loved it so much. She thought that everyone's Christmas lights were to celebrate her birthday. Like the whole world we're having one big party.

"What is it Princess?" Freddie mumbled, still half asleep.

"Just follow me, boo!" I reached out my hand to him, and he took it, climbing out of bed. He followed me downstairs, and I took him to the living room, to show him our 2 and 3 year old daughters curled up together on the sofa, sound asleep.

"Awe, they are so cute!" Freddie cooed.

"I know. How did we manage to make such adorable little creatures?" I sighed, smiling.

"Well, they obviously get their adorableness from their dad!" He smirked, and I elbowed him in the ribs. "Kidding, kidding!"

I smiled at my husband, then turned to face the sleeping children.

"Wakey, wakey!" I lightly shook Caterina's shoulder. She opened one eye, then sat up when she realised it was me.

"Hi mummy. Me and Carls got up early to try and see Santa Clause, but we fell asleep!" She smiled her cute, dimpled smile.


I missed her.

She was still in Italy with her dad, I think.

I really did miss her, though.

As crazy and psychotic as she was, she was my best friend.

"Awh, baby. Well, how about you and Carla go and open your presents?"

"Okay mummy!" She smiled, shaking her little sister awake. Carla looked up at me sleepily.

"Mama, hiya!"

"Hi baby!" I gave my daughters a big hug, and let them go find their presents. I joined Freddie in the kitchen.

"Morning babe!" I hugged him from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek. He turned around in my arms. "Hey little Samantha!" A/N (Any1 get the reference? Nah? Okay!)

"What are the little monsters doing?"

"Opening their presents!"

"Then let's go join them!" He put his arm over my shoulders and led me back to our girls.

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. As I opened the door, I saw the familiar head of red hair. "Hiya Cat!"

"Hi Sam. Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, come in!" I opened the door wider, letting her in, then closed it behind her, following her into the living room. When the girls noticed her standing there, they both shot up and ran straight into her arms. "Aunty Cat!"

"Hi girls. You have both grown so big! Here you go!" She handed them their presents, then sat down on a chair. Me and Freddie sat on the sofa as they opened their presents.

They both got a lot of teddies, dresses, and cute stuff like that. The last presents they opened were the ones from me and Freddie. I got them both matching key rings that read:

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