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"Behind every happy couple lies two people who have fought hard to overcome all obstacles and interference to be that way. Why? Because it's what they wanted!"
Two Years Later

Freddie's POV

"Gibby! Push!"

Gibby lifted the dresser up the stairs and pushed it into my hands before going back out to get the rest of our furniture. It was time for us to go to college and me and Gibby were moving into our new apartment. It had been two years since the funeral and life has been better. I forced myself not to think of Sam. She had got out of rehab about a year ago and I thought of going to look for her but I knew she would find her own way to me if she wanted.

"Freddie! Help!" Gibby shouted as he dropped the couch and fell down the stairs. I chuckled and went to help my friend who would soon become my roomate.


I headed to the car park and jumped into my car. Today was my first day at college. It was good. I became friends with this guy called Andre who is in most of my classes, and his friend Tori, who reminds me of Shelby Marks. She was hot but nobody could ever compare to Sam.

I was kinds hungry and I thought I deserved a treat so I headed to the local bakery. I walked in and stood in the line, thinking of what to buy. I decided on an iced bun and a cup of coffee, then I waited until it was my turn to order. I walked towards the counter and told my order to the blonde cashire who had her back towards me.

"Hey, can I have a cup of coffee and an Iced Bun, please?"

She went and got me my order and turned to give it to me. I was shocked when I saw her face. It was Sam. She stood there gobsmacked, coffee and cake on the floor after she dropped it in shock.


"Hi!" I smiled sheepishly.

"H-how've you been?"

"Good. How about you?"

Before she could answer a grown man walked out. He had grey-ish hair that was still a bit brown at the edges. He wore a white button up shirt, brown jeans, a really lose tie and a blue apron. He had small specks sat on the edge of his nose.

He place his hands on her shoulders. "Everything ok, darling?"


"Yeah Dad!"

Oh my god, she found her dad! I can't believe it!

She smiled at him and he walked away. She turned to me, smiling a genuin smile, and answered my earlier question.


I sat on a bench in the park, waiting for Sam. After I finally got my order at the bakery, we exchanged phone numbers and planned to meet up to discuss everything once she got out of work. I was only waiting for five minutes before she walked over.

"Wow! Sam Puckett on time for once! What has the world come to?"

"Quiet Benson!" She laughed.

We walked round the park in silence. A comfortable silence. We reached a bench next to a fountain so we sat down and there was another short silence before she spoke up.

"So, you probably want an explanation over everything thats happened."

I nodded at her and she sighed before starting the explanation.

"The day after Spencers funeral, I went to rehab. I met a lot of people and they helped me get over my depression. I made a best friend in there. Caleb."

"Oh, are you two...?"

"Dating? Gosh nah. He was insane. He thought he was from the future." She laughed and I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding in.

"Nah, he's still there. I was let out a year ago, which means I'm a year clean of cutting."

She lifted her sleeve to show me all the fading and healing scars and sure enough, there wasn't any fresh ones.

"After I got out, I thought of calling you but I realised, I hadn't done what I set out to do. I hadn't sorted my life out. I guess I was too ashamed to see you, which is why I kept my distance. In rehab I had a visitor. It was my aunt. My dads sister. She told me he had been looking for me and he wanted to explain. So I let him. I met up with him and he told me everything. Why he left. Why he wanted to find me again. I realised he just wants his family back. So I gave him a second chance. Now that my mum has disowned me he is the only family I have left. We were gonna like in Florida but he got a job here so I had to move. I got a job in the bakery and he was manager. I re-built my life how I wanted it and for once, I'm happy."

"Well, I'm happy about that. I'm living with Gibby right now and we go to college together."

"I'm starting college soon."

"Carly got let out about a year ago but she moved to Italy with her dad so he can keep an eye on her."

"Good for her. I know she made a lot of mistakes but she was still my best friend and I do love her, no matter hoe psycho she gets."

"Yeah. I know. So, what about us?"

She sighed. "Now that I'm happy and set straight on my path in life, I have room for a boyfriend. I would like to try things again with you. I love you Freddie!"

"I'm so happy about that. I love you too Sam!"

We leant in and kissed deeply. It was full of love and affection and I think it is my favourite kiss we have shared ever before."

It might have taken some time but Sam eventually found her way home. To me. To our love. She is my soulmate and I will never let her go.

The End!

Noooo its ended!

Jks we still have the epilogue. But the real story has finished. Imma wait till the epilogue to give you a full heart-felt message. Just thanks for reading and all your support. I love you guys!

Bye Xx

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