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I know it's over, and it never really began, but in my heart it was so real."
Sam's POV
Carly was out on her date with Freddie, so me and Spencer were making out on the couch. I was obviously pretending it was Freddie I was kissing, but that didn't matter. I was kinda worried about the nub. He skipped class after our almost-kiss at lunch, but he was probably out buying Carly a present for their date. Meanwhile, my bike had gone missing so I had to walk home. Spencer just happened to drive past and gave me a lift back to his.

"You looked so sexy in your pe kit today!" He mumbled, probably not wanting me to hear him. Unfortunately for him, I did.


"N-nothing. I was thinking we should tell Carly and Freddie about us, so we can act like a couple around them when they act like a couple around us." He suggested. I wasn't sure I wanted to. Carly probably wouldn't speak to me ever again, and I didn't wanna know how Freddie would react.

"I dunno!" I shrugged, pulling away. He whimpered at the loss of contact.

"Please Sammy?" He purred, running his fingers down my thigh. I slapped him off when he got too high.

"Alright, I'll think about it!" I huffed, hoping the conversation was over and we could go back to watching TV like we were doing before our make out session. He noticed I wasn't in the mood so he just let me watch TV. I laid my head on his shoulder and just enjoyed the close contact. Five minutes later, Carly burst through the door and I shot up, not wanting to let her see how close me and Spencer were sat.

"Have any of you seen Freddie?" She asked, frantically.

"No, I thought you guys were on a date?"

"He never showed up. I'm worried something happened to him. First he skips class now this?"

"Relax. He's probably at his train club or something. In the mean time, have you seen my bike? It went missing."

"No, Sam! Some things are more important then your stupid bike!" She shouted and I flinched. Memories flooded back from when my mum first started drinking. It was when I first got my bike. I asked her to watch me ride it and that is exactly what she said to me. Tears threatened to fall but I didn't let them. Sam Puckett does not cry.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself and help me find Freddie!"

I ran out of their apartment, shoving Carly in the process. I ran all the way down to the lobby and was stopped by Lewbert. "Hey, no running in my lobby!"

I calmly walked over to him, picked up the lobby phone and socked him in the balls. I ran out while he dropped to his knees, wheezing. I ran down street after street, not really knowing where I was heading, but not really caring either. My vision became blurred and I had to stop for a rest. I leant against a wall and tried to take in my surroundings. I was on a street near the Groovie Smoothie, near a park. I turned to look at a bush and something caught my eye. It kinda looked like someone's leg. I walked over and I froze. Lying there, possibly dead, was the boy I had grown to love. The boy I wished I could be with every day. Lying there was Freddie.
When I got to the hospital, I was shaking. I had rung an ambulance for Freddie, but they wouldn't let me in so I hijacked someone's car and drove there. They didn't need it. When I got there, I rang Spencer. I still wasn't talking to Carly so I just asked him to tell her and then for them to come to the hospital. When they got here they sat on the other side of the waiting room, away from me. I kept seeing Spencer stealing glances at me, looking worried. A nurse came out eventually. "Miss Carly Shay? He's asking for you!"

Carly followed her into Freddie's room. I was slightly upset that he didn't ask for me, but I let it go. Carly was his girlfriend after all. A short while later she walked out, looking at me and pointing to his room. I walked in and saw Freddie led in the hospital bed with his eyes closed. I cleared my throat and he looked at me, a sad smile on his face. "Hey!"

I sat on the edge of his bed and replied "Hi!"

"Listen we need to talk!"


"We can't keep doing this. The secret kisses. It isn't fair on Carly. I'm with her and I love her. Me and you - we are just friends. Your motorbike is near the bush you found me in. I borrowed it and a truck crashed into me when I was driving it. I'm sorry!"

"I understand!" I said bluntly. I was trying so hard not to let the tears fall. Sam Puckett doesn't cry! "Get better soon!" I mumbled before running out of his room, out the waiting room and to where I found the hurt boy. I searched around and saw my bike led by the side of the road. It was obviously broken, and maybe that was a good thing. I grabbed a matchbox out of my pocket and lit one up. I counted to three before throwing the lit match at my bike and running a distance away. I watched it as it blew up, parts of the bike flying all around. I dropped to my knees as I saw everything I love fall to bits. My bike was gone, my friendship with Carly was broken, mine and Spencer's relationship would be rocky, and most importantly, Freddie ended things. It was never real, but it was in my heart. I curled up on a nearby bench and fell asleep, not knowing where to go.




Omg this was so upsetting to write! I hope you're enjoying this book because it's far from over. I noticed no one is voting. Does that mean you don't like the book? Tough, I love writing it!

Bye guys xx

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