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Dedicated to cindawillie888 because she really wanted an update! Also coincidentaldagger for the amazing birthday present! Thank you so much I love your books!
"At some point, you have to realise that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life!"
Sam's POV
It felt like I had been riding my motorbike aimlessly for months, though it had only been a few days. I had stopped from time to time when I pass a cafe to get food, and I had stayed the night in hotels. That is why I only had $34 left. Well, $34.63 to be exact, but who's counting?

I had no idea where I was heading. I would need to find an apartment, a job, and probably a roommate who can pay the rent. I stopped at a food truck, seeing as it was noon and I was starving. I hadn't eaten since last night, when I stopped at an Indian takeaway. I parked my bike and headed over to the food truck. I had no idea where I was but I would probably have to work that out. The guy in the truck did a double take when he saw me. "Hey, aren't you Sam from iCarly?"

I hesitated. "You a cop?"


I grinned. "Yeah, I'm Sam!"

"What you doing in L.A?" So that's where I was!

"Looking for fun!" I shrugged, looking at the menu, "How are your breakfast burritos?"


"I'll take a jumbo!"

I walked over to my bike, waiting for my burrito. That was when I noticed someone over the road. It was two boys and a girl looking for something. I guessed it was a pet because they kept shouting, "Pawsley!"

The chick looked familiar. She had red hair and a pink dress on. She dived head first into a trash can, while I got my burrito from the man. "Hey, what's that chick doing in a trash can?"

"I have no idea. I just sell burritos!"

I bit something hard. "Why is there a battery in my burrito?"

"I have no idea. I just sell burritos!"

I looked back over to the girl, who was now being lifted into a garbage van. I reluctantly threw my burrito onto the floor and ran after the van.

"Stop, it's got a girl in there!"

I grabbed the side, jumped on top of the van and dived in. I turned to face the girl and that's when at recognised her. It was Cat! I grabbed her because she had fainted and dragged her out of the van. I laid her down on the bench and slapped her across the face to wake her up. She shreiked and looked at me with a confused look, before recognising me and jumping up, pulling me into a hug. "Oh my god, Sam! How are you?"

Secret Kisses (Seddie AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now