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"Don't feel sad over someone who has given up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never give up on them!"
Sam's POV
I had been living at Cats for a couple of weeks now and it had been fun. But it was the day I had to return to Seattle. I had been doing school online but I had to go to a meeting about my work to get it confirmed that I wasn't coming back, or something like that. It would only be a few hours then I could come back to L.A, but I was nervous all the same. There was a 50-50 chance I could run into Carly, Freddie or Spencer.

"So, you'll only be gone until tomorrow night?" Cat asked for the 1000th time.

"Yes!" I stated. Her worrying was getting on my nerves. I can survive one night in my past on my own. I grabbed my bag and headed out to my bike, hearing Cat calling 'be safe' as I left. I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully, before giving her a small wave, getting on my bike and driving off.

The journey took longer then I thought, seeing as I went the long way round to avoid the motorway. It just brought back bad feelings. When I arrived in Seattle it was 6:00 PM. My meeting was at 10:00 AM tomorrow so I had some time to spare. I booked in at the hotel then decided to take a walk round the place I left behind. I walked past the Groovie Smoothie and was about to go in when two people caught my eye. Through the window, I could see a big part of my past sipping smoothies and cuddling.

They hadn't changed one bit in the two and a half weeks since I had last seen them. I wanted to know if they even cared that I had left, but I couldn't just go up and ask them, so I did what any sane person would do. I put up my hood, put on my sunglasses, went in and sat at the table next to them.

I heard them whispering and giggling about something. Then Freddie said "I love you so much Carly Shay!"

She giggled, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you more Freddie Benson!"

"I'm glad how our lives turned out! Sam leaving was a good thing. All she did was wreck everything. Were better off without her."

Freddie's smile faltered at her words, but he mumbled a quick, "yeah..."

"I'm gonna go get us some more smoothies!" She stated as she skipped over to the counter. I heard Freddie sigh and get out his locket. I wondered what he kept in his. I had the picture of me and him in mine. I knew Carly kept a picture of her dad in hers. He placed down the locket on the table and walked over to Carly. Now was my chance.

I sneaked over to his table and quickly grabbed his locket. I opened it and saw a picture of me. It was me sat in Carly's apartment, smiling. I can't even remember why I was happy, but I guess Freddie snapped a picture when I wasn't looking.

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