...~Chapter 9~...

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Newt's POV

3rd person (That's new)

Tuesday, April 15

Newt watched Thomas yell at Minho then run out of the diner. He was so tempted to run after him but he knew he couldn't... So, he just watched Minho grab something and run out the door. He kinda wishes he could go with him, but he would surely lose his job and right now, he can't afford that. So, he goes back to helping people.

(A time skip! My first but definitely not last!)

After work, Newt started walking home. The night was really beautiful. He thinks that the moon, the stars, just, everything about the night makes him happy. Teresa hates it though. Says something could come out of nowhere and just kill you. Saying night is dangerous and scary. But for him? He's the exact opposite. He thinks the night is beautiful. And it makes him feel safe. He just sometimes wish the night would be all the time. Yes, its dark, but it hides things. Such as what the world is. The scariest parts of the world. That's what it hides. And it makes him feel safe. Maybe Teresa and him aren't... perfect together? What if? Who else would like him? He's never met anyone who understands him other than Teresa and Minho, and lord knows that he will never date Minho. Teresa, he thinks things are wearing off. He's not sure. Maybe he needs to find someone else. Maybe Tommy? He's absolutely gorgeous, and he wouldn't mind waking up to his face every morning. WOW, Newt, what are you talking about? That's just so creepy on so many levels. He shook the thought and walked home.

* * *

When he got into his apartment, he was greeted by a small little puppy. "Hi, Thor!" He exclaimed, getting down on his knees to pet Thor and let him lick his face. "Did you miss me?" he said, getting up to close and lock the door. He had actually just recently gotten Thor. He's absolutely just the sweetest little puppy. He was planning on getting him for Teresa, but now he's not sure thanks for all these thoughts.

He walked into the kitchen over to Thor's bowl and put some dog food inside of it and he came running into the kitchen to eat it. he let out a soft chuckle at the dog. He was just so sweet, cute, and fluffy. "I don't think I want to get rid of you at all!" He said, looking down at the sweet puppy making a mess with his food. This time, he let out a laugh. That's when he got a text from Minho.

Minho: Hey, do you want to come over to my house to hang with me and Thomas?

Newt: Uh, sure. Though, I don't know your address.

Minho: Right! I'll send it to you.

Minho: 1736, Bluewood road.

Newt: Thanks

Newt set his phone down and let out a sigh. He was glad it was only 7:46 p.m. He knew Minho was still in high school and didn't want him to stay up too late. He got on his coat again, grabbed his keys, said goodbye to Thor and walked out the door.

He got into his jeep and put in the address. He put on his favorite song (At the moment) Different, by the Academic. He wasn't sure why, but he loves it. Again, something that Teresa doesn't like. (A/n I love Newt, but I made him super dumb in this... XD) Maybe Newt really should break up with her. The more he thought about it, the more Newt realized how much they didn't have in common. Wow, I really am dumb. The more Newt thought about it, the more he thought he should break up with her. Maybe he should do it the next time he sees her? No, that would be at work and he knew that wouldn't end well. He knows that very well.

Newt was in such deep thought, that he almost missed Minho's house. It was small, but enough to fit a small family of 3, maybe even fit a cat or dog. The house was a cute baby blue color with a red door. Minho obviously still lived with his parents. Which, Minho didn't find weird. In fact, from what he's learned from Minho, he should stay with his parents a little longer. Minho definitely was a troublemaker and who knows what he would do when he lived alone. That thought kinda scared Newt. he wasn't sure why, but he didn't really trust Minho by himself sometimes.

Newt pulled up into the driveway and turned off the music. He grabbed what he brought, (Just his keys, jacket, and phone), and walked up the stone walkway.

Once he was at the door, he let out a sigh and rang the doorbell. He heard loud feet running towards the door. The door then swung open to show Minho with a big smile on his face. "NEWT!" He yelled. Newt laughed, "Yes Minho, It's me, now can you be quieter. I don't want any noise complaints from your neighbors." Newt said Minho rolled his eyes. Newt was always considered the mom, or as he prefers, the glue. He keeps everything together and makes sure everything is alright and has to be smarter than anyone else in the group when it comes to decisions. Minho then moved to the side to let Newt inside.

Newt walked inside and it was just your typical 3 family home. Pictures of Minho when he was younger and school pictures. Also new pictures. Such as one of Minho going to prom, looking to be the 2 time but this time with someone completely different. (A/n I don't really know how prom works at All so I'm just gonna guess that's how it works. Is there one every year???) There were also pictures of a younger Thomas and Minho, and Thomas looked even cuter. Was that weird of Newt to think? Yes, yes it was.

"Ah, you've noticed the ugly old photos, haven't you?" Minho said, walking up and leaning against a wall. "I don't think they're that ugly," Newt said with a smirk. That's when Newt's eyes landed on an old picture of Minho with a bowl cut. It took every bone in Newts body to not laugh. "What? Which one are you looking at?" Minho said, looking at every picture until he saw that one and grabbed it off the wall. "You did not see that!" He said, blushing with embarrassment. Newt couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed the loudest laugh he's ever laughed. "You used to... have... A BoWL CuT?!" Newt said between laughs. He couldn't control it, he was crying tears of laughter at this point. It was especially funny since he's always talking about how his hair is perfect. That's when Newt heard someone walk up to them. "What are you guys laughing about?" the voice said and Newt knew who it was almost instantly. For some reason, he couldn't get Thomas' voice out of his head. Newt stopped laughing and turned around to face Thomas. They stared at each other until Newt finally said, "Nice to see you again, Tommy. Do you mind me calling you Tommy?" Newt asked hesitantly. Thomas blushed and smiled, "No, I don't mind," and they again, stared into each other's eyes. Newt just wanted to stare into his eyes forever. He had completely forgotten about everything in the world and focused on Thomas. Newt stared into those beautiful, chestnut, brown eyes. Why were they more beautiful then Teresa's? Sure, Teresa's were a really pretty blue, but not as pretty as Thomas' brown, Bambi ones. They stared for a few more moments until Minho was done with it, and said, "Yo, guys, stop having strange gay stares and come with me into the living room," and he walked away, clearly annoyed. Newt and Thomas both looked away blushing. "M-maybe we should follow Minho?" Thomas stuttered. "Y-yeah," and they both walked into the living room, their hands brushing together often.

Tada! I know this is a day late, but I was having writer's block, but I have something now! Also, summers coming soon but that also means finals are coming soon and I'm freaking out. AH! Okay, so I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I will see you all later my lovely, little turtles. Good Morning/night/evening! BYEEE!!!

!1413 words!


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