...~Chapter 11~...

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Thomas' POV

Minho's House

   Newt and I walked into Minho's living room a bit awkwardly. I kept sneaking little looks at him. He was just perfect... AGHM! Anyway, to make my blushing mess even worse, our hands kept touching. Like, it was as if he wanted to hold my hands... Wouldn't that be something! Okay, I'm getting too full of myself. Why would he want to hold my hand? 1) Why would anyone like me like that? And 2) He has a girlfriend! I am not gonna ruin a relationship! I'm not like that! No way!

   So, when we walked in, Minho just looked at me a boi-I-saw-that! kind of look. I blushed but rolled my eyes trying to play it off cool. Minho just laughed at me, "Hey man, it's okay," he said and Newt looked at us. "Did I miss something?" He said in his sweet British accent. Minho just laughed, "No, nothing you need to worry about at least," Newt nodded. "So, um, anything you guys want to do?" Newt asked. Minho smiled. "Let's watch a movie!" He got up and ran to his movie shelf. I heard Newt laugh softly to himself. Wow, that laugh was gorgeous. That's when Newt walked up to me. "So, how long have you known Minho?" He asked casually. "Pretty much my whole life. He's been my friend and only friend since kindergarten." I replied shrugging. Newt looked at me with a shocked face. I got nervous since he didn't say anything. "Uh, Newt? You okay?" He shook his head and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, it's just... I feel bad that Minho's been your only friend your whole life... but, after tonight, I'm hoping you can call me your friend!" He smiled that sweet, happy smile, while I blushed. "I hope so too..." I said awkwardly. After that, the awkward silence came. I looked off to the side until I looked back at him, he seemed to have done the same, since we locked eyes again. We just... did that until Minho, once again, broke our stare. "So, I decided we're gonna watch that new IT movie. Okay? Okay," and he put the disc in. 

   "Wait, Minho! You know I get scared easily!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with a smirk, "Oh, I know," And he looked over at Newt. "Newtie here will protect you," and he moved over to the opposite side of the couch. "Minho!" I yelled. I looked over at Newt who was giving me a questionable look. "Don't worry about it..." I sighed and sat down on the couch, and Newt sits down next to me. And we were close. Like, our shoulders are touching close! Anyway, the movie starts and we go silent. Oh, man am I gonna kill Minho after this.

   During the movie, I screamed and kept squeezing Newt's arm. I felt bad but I was scared out of my mind.

After the movie, it was about 9:00, and Minho and I had school in the morning. I wasn't sure about Newt though. "Well, it's kind of late, don't you think Minho?" I asked looking over at him, "Yeah... WAIT! What if you guys had a sleepover?!" He said jumping up from the couch. "Uh, sure I'll call my mom." I say getting my phone out and leaving the room to call her. To be honest, she was really protective of me so it was most likely gonna be a no. But, I tried anyway. 

"Hey mom, can I have a sleepover with Minho?" 

"I don't know honey. You have school in the morning..."

"I know but Minho and I haven't had a sleepover in, like, a year. Plus, we have the same class for the first period." 

There was a pause on the other end. 

"Alright... But you better be to school on time tomorrow!" 

I almost yelled with joy

"Okay, thank you, mama, love you!"

"Love you too sweaty..." 

After that, we hung up.

I walked back to the living room where Minho and Newt were talking. I walked up next to Minho and he stopped talking with Newt. "So, what'd she say?" He asked, hope filling his eyes. "She said yes, Minho," I smile at him. "YES!" He yelled and fist pumped the air. Both Newt and I laughed. 

(Time skip to when they get ready for bed and stuff)

"Alright, I'm heading off to bed," Minho said heading over to his room. "Wait, where will Tommy and I sleep?" Newt asked I nodded in agreement. "You two will have to snuggle on the couch," he winked then walked into his room and closed the door, Newt and I blushing like no end.

HEY KIDS! Sorry, that was aggressive... Anyway, I know I have been really bad about updating this story, but I've literally been so friggin BUSY! So, uh, hope you liked this chapter. Obviously, there will be Newtmas soon! And, I'll also have some of Newts problem with Insomnia in the next chapter and Thomas will- wait! nO SpoIlERs! XD That was weird... Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! And ill try to be better with updating. Okay, good Morning/evening/night to wherever you are in the world or whatever time you're reading this! I love you all my lovely, little turtles! BYEEE!!!

888 words


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