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Will's POV..

I look over and see Dustin dancing with Nancy and I almost laugh out loud. Didn't see that coming. Lucas and Max are slow dancing as well, I always knew he liked her.

What I see next almost causes me to choke up. Mike and Eleven kissing while dancing, making my faint smile drop.

Mike pulls away awkwardly laughing and looking down. I've always been slightly ashamed of looking at him the way I do. I could never admit it out loud, I could barely admit it to myself. I've always had a thing for Mike Wheeler.

"Dude!" I shriek slightly as Dustin jumps in front of my view of Mike.

"You scared me!" I groan and he laughs.

"Did you or did you not just see me dancing with Nancy? I knew she's always wanted me." He purrs in that creepy way he does.

"Yeah I saw. She looked pretty into it," I pat his shoulder and he walks away towards Stacy.

I could feel my heart start to beat against my chest, tightening as my eyes met mike's, him looking down at me since he was much taller than I was.

"Did you see that?" Mike was smiling, hopeful for the first time in a year. It makes sense being that he missed her and now she was finally back for good.

"Y-Yeah! She really loves you, Mike." I could feel my voice crack, choking up with knowing he loved her back. Knowing he loved her and not me.

But was it bad? To love someone completely and hate someone for taking that love away from you? I know mike, Hell I've been his best friend since the first day of kindergarten!

My point is; I know mike loves Eleven, I know mike loves his family, and I know Mike loves his friends. And I just knew, deep down in Michael Wheeler's treasured heart, he wanted all of his friends to love her.

And I really wanted to like her, although technically we still haven't really met, I wanted to like her for Mike. I wanted to understand this feeling he described when he talked about her, I wanted to understand why she was so.. special.

Mike scratched the back of his neck, his eyes searching for the beautiful short haired girl he came here with, as my eyes got lost in everything that made Michael Wheeler, Mike.

"Do you believe in feeling sparks or butterflies when you kiss someone?" Mike's attention was now back on me, I could feel myself shake in my shoes as I immediately looked away as if I wasn't looking at him at all.

I turned to him as if I hadn't heard him, making him repeat himself and move closer to my ear.

This time I shrugged, "I s-suppose." God, what the hell was I doing? I was tripping over my words like some stupid kid running through an area with a caution 'do not run, it's fucking wet' sign, only leaving the fucking part out.

Mike nodded with a confused expression like something was on his mind. I gathered up the courage to push my romantic feelings aside and just be his friend. "Why? Is there something on your mind?" I ask, Mike immediately shaking his head furiously.

I couldn't help but chuckle, quickly covering my mouth to stop myself from breaking out in laughter.

Mike noticing this, lifted his brow and crossed his arms over his chest, "What's so funny?" I shook my head, my shoulders shaking from holding in my laughter.

Mike couldn't help but start to laugh, I didn't really know what it was we were laughing at anymore, just that it was nice being just us again.

Soon our laughing fit was brought to an end when Eleven walked up with a adorable smile on her face. Mike kindly said goodbye, I simply placed on a fake small smile to cover up the fact that I wish it was me he was kissing in the middle of the dance floor.

I wish it was me he was holding hands with.
I wish it was me who made him happy the way eleven had.

But most importantly; I wish it was me he loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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