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chapter four: such a fool《

JIMIN knocked in the door of taehyung's apartment room, with a hand carrying a bag full of treats. he had a lollipop in his mouth, cherry flavoured, the sharp edge from where he had bitten it off had pressed against the wet flesh of the inside of his cheek. maybe it wasn't the best idea, to even be in the same room as taehyung, the one who capture the heart of his soulmate. yet taehyung, despite that, was still his friend and jimin couldn't blame him. he couldn't pour all his anger and blame into taehyung, because in the end of the day, that was the person who cared about jimin. 

taehyung opened the door a minute later, with the cheery boxy smile on his lips. he ushered jimin inside and grabbed the bag of snacks from him to place them on the table. jimin plopped down on the couch, legs bouncing off the floor gently. he reached for the remote control.

"sit down, you can look for a movie while we wait for namjoon to come over."

jimin nearly dropped the remote control, lips parting slightly and eyes wide. he pursed his lips, clenching his jaw as he looked down. he didn't answer taehyung and instead stayed silent. he searched for a movie, a small frown on his lips.

this was supposed to be their time— was this the goddess mocking him— the entire universe mocking him for being such a fool? a fool that couldn't hate the friend who stole the person that was promised to him.

did they know?

did they want to see him suffer?

or was this all just an awful awful coincidence.  

jimin didn't notice the tear slipping down his cheek until he heard a knock at the door. quickly wiping it off, jimin got up to get the door. his small hand barely covering over the knob as he twisted it and pulled the door open.

the butterflies in his tummy fluttered at the sight, namjoon was standing there in front of him, smiling with a small bouquet of lilies in his hands.

but jimin didn't like lilies.

taehyung did.

his heart throbbed with pain as a smile spread across jimin's face and he stepped to the side, letting namjoon inside without a word. he ignored namjoon's greeting as he shut the door and headed straight for the couch. 

his eyes burned with tears as he heard taehyung and namjoon laugh and talk lovingly to each other. jimin wiped his eyes again, focusing on the task in hand, searching for a movie as he bit the inside of his cheek. bit down so hard blood dripped onto his tongue, metallic and bitter.


'don't you ever cry in front of them jimin.' he told himself bitterly.

it was painful, to be next to namjoon and taehyung, on the same couch. the two males flushed against each other. taehyung's chest laying on namjoon's chest, namjoon's arms wrapped around his waist. jimin was curled up on the edge of the couch, wrapped in a blanket as he tried his best to not focus on the pair right next to him.  he was wrapped up in his own little blanket, legs curled and pressed against his chest. his pretty eyes narrowed and a bit red as he stared at the screen. his fingers curled tightly around the cup in his hand, teeth biting down at the metal straw. 

his chest was so heavy with pain, it wrapped around his rib cage and squeezed. clawing down at his lungs, the butterflies were squirming and desperately tried to escape pass his throat. jimin could only take so much of it before he broke into a coughing fit, fingers nearly letting go of the cup in his hand as the other clapped over his mouth. namjoon and taehyung both snapped out of their lovesick gaze and focused their attention on jimin who averted his gaze from them and cleared his throat. 

"it's nothing." jimin mumbled, his hand squeezing tightly around the butterfly until he felt the little squirming insect go limp. he reached down to his pocket and stuffed its dead body in their. he set the cup down, looking back at the television; doing his best not to thinking about them.

once the end credit scenes had started, jimin immediately got himself off the couch, his hands patting around his pockets as he searched around his spot. to make it seem as if he was making sure he had not forgotten something, but really he was just trying to make sure he didn't have a bunch of dead butterflies on his spot. he watched with weary eyes as taehyung got up quickly. 

"hey, why are you leaving so soon? this is barely the first movie." taehyung pouted and jimin couldn't bare to look at him. he shook his head, making his way to the door. 

"i-i have to be somewhere. i just forgot." jimin rubbed the back of his neck and flashed taehyung a soft smile. taehyung frowned a little bit, pulling himself away from namjoon. 


jimin found himself in the bar, late at night. his hand wrapped around a beer bottle as if it was the only thing keeping him up float. it was. it heightened his emotions but at the same time it drowned them. it also helped a bit with the waves of chest pains that pulsated. so in order to feel just the slightest bit better, he kept drinking and drinking till the bartender held off the beer. the man sternly said he'll call a friend or an uber for him. the bar was going to close soon and they just needed jimin out so they can finish locking up. 

jimin handed the bartender his phone after a long time of him searching for a familiar number. as he did that, jimin drunkenly studied the stranger's face without an ounce of shame, eyes somewhat narrowed. the man was kind of pretty, with small feline eyes and doll like lips. jimin thought back to jeongguk, who's thin lips also resembled that of a doll's. 

"hey? yeah uh, your friend here is really really drunk. can you come and pick him up? yeah? okay, thank you." the bartender handed jimin his phone back and then awkwardly sat next to jimin. he handed jimin a tall glass of water, who drank it easily in under a minute. 

"so... tough night?" the man asked jimin, who looked at him blankly, looking for his name tag real quickly so he'll remember his name the next time he'll come back. that is if he even remember what this night was. 

"min yoongi... u-uh. yeah...  i guess you can say that." jimin murmured, twiddling his thumbs. 

"what's up?" yoongi asked, making small talk as he watched his coworkers clean up the mess some of the people had left behind. 

"m-my soulmate..." jimin's lip trembled and yoongi suddenly knew why jimin was drinking so much. well not everything of why, he just had a pretty good idea. 

"oh... that sucks." 

jimin scrunched up his nose, turning to him before bursting into a quiet fit of laughter, throwing his entire body at yoongi. the petite man trying his best not to let jimin move around so much and heave his probably highly flammable vomit on the mopped floors. 

"hey take it easy- oh that must be your ride." yoongi stood up and wrapped jimin's arm around his neck, steadying him up as he lead him to the car that was parked a couple of feet away from the entrance. jimin was lead inside, hoseok buckling his seat belt and throwing a plastic bag at his feet. 

the last few things he remembers before closing his eyes was hoseok exchanging numbers with yoongi after sharing a couple of jokes. 

they were god awful too.  it made him want to puke.

so he did. 

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