pt 1: prologue

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prologue: soft lavender soul《

THE clacking of heels tapping against crystal floors echoed in the hall. the wall in which a lone goddess walked down was a grand one, with walls plated in gold, paintings of great wars and epic love stories that the world has ever told covered the ceiling in vivid colours. yet after seeing it every time, the goddess would admit that the sight has become lackluster. the magic of the hall was sucked out after a millennia of ruling.

the goddess halted, watching with critical eyes as the gems encrusted into the walls reflected the lights of the souls. she cleared her throat, alerting the white winged angels about her presence. many of them quickly and nervously bowed down, the elder ones bowed politely. the goddess sat down on her throne, placing her hand on a plate filled with water that an angel had provided for her. the water slowly turned into a milk lavender colour that glowed softly. she dismissed the angel, looking out at the portal to the mortal world. the angel walked to a whirl pool in front of the portal, pouring the water into it.

now this... every time she sat on that throne, watching the mortal world, it looked different every time. it looked beautiful. frosty blue coloured lights swirled in circles and into the mortal realm, beautiful pure souls landing into their destined places. most, if not all, of the souls were this pure shade of blue. so confusion crossed her face when she spotted a soft lavender soul, just a tad bit on the bluer side, it was connected to the largest blue soul she has ever seen. the soft lavender soul was 2/3 of the blue soul's size. both of these souls were connected by a thick white string of fate. the angel held these souls with a certain delicate hand, as if she were afraid the souls would shatter under her fingertips.

the goddess frowned in confusion, that was interesting... the soft lavender one might be a demi god but that hasn't happened in a decade or so. even if it did, both souls would be the same size. just not hue. nor would that hue be the colour of her own soul. a nervous feeling stabbed into her stomach, gutting her brutality.

"those souls..."

"the fates said we must release them, goddess haenatov." the angel said, the wings on her back bristled nervously as if she feared the goddess would snatch both souls from her hands. it has happened before, when a bright gold soul was connected to a blue one. her husband had cheated on her, she knew so. as revenge, she trapped the gold soul, leaving the blue one without a soulmate.

"very well then."

the goddess watched with careful eyes as the lavender soul and the blue soul were sucked into the portal.

ten mortal years later.

the goddess smiled fondly at the water, urging it to speak.

the ripples of the water's voice wavered, her vision unclear at first. then a clear lullaby reached the ears of the goddess in a symphony of colours. she saw the mortal world.

better yet the inside of a classroom. the children were silently listening to the teacher tell a story, her eyes filled with mirth and her smile was as warm as the sun. the goddess of love, haenatov, recognized her immediately, then wondered how she kept up with the facade.

one particular child, a young boy, looked out the window and at the vibrant blue sky with sparkles in his eyes. his cheeks flushed a lovely rosy colour. he caught haenatov's attention. there was something strikingly familiar about him. his aura glowed brightly, much brighter than anyone else's. much more striking to her was the colour of his aura, a soft lavender.

curiously, haenatov reached inside his head, watching as he thought about his future. a future that played out just like in the books. with a wonderful person as his soulmate and a happily ever after. haenatov laughed at his childish innocence.

he turned to look back at the teacher, resting his cheek against his palm. a small sigh escaped his lips, mind lost in wonder.

the teacher closed the small book, placing it on her lap. "children, one day you will all find your one and only. this person was promised to you the day you were born. they are your soulmate, a gift from the goddess of love. with them you will feel a love so true and so wonderful."

haenatov laughed from her throne, staring down at her, with amusement gleaming in her eyes. it was funny, coming from a human that she has caused so much woe. it almost surprised haenatov until she remembered, with love, comes forgiveness. 

as the goddess of love, haenatov made sure all the humans worshiped and loved her. even if deep down, they loathed her.

she turned to look at the boy, who's mind she was still linked to.

she saw the statement spark an anxious curiousness in the boy, it was apparent in the way his brows knotted and his nose wrinkled. his hand shot up in to the air, a question resting heavily on his tongue that needed an answer.

"yes jimin?"

"what happens if you or your soulmate falls for someone else?"

whispers filled the room and worried gasps followed through.

the teacher looked a bit stumped. she chewed nervously at her lip, her head searching for an appropriate answer. an answer that wouldn't scare all the kids. haenatov saw how her chest slowly rise and fall with every unsteady breath, trying to keep calm. she can almost see the pain ripple through her heart like a lightning bolt.

this is interesting.

"it doesn't happen very often... soulmates are destined to meet in times when both are ready." she said, "things that go against fate happen rarely, so you all mustn't worry... you'll be fine."

"you'll be fine... that makes me sick to the core, you silly humans." haenatov whispered between gritted teeth. she rested her head on her knuckles, watching the mortals interact with more interest than before.

jimin seemed momentarily satisfied but a light bulb flickered in his head in realization. the teacher did not completely answer his question, with his lip jutted out, he raised his hand once more. yet the loud ring of the bell had signified the start of lunch. his question was quickly discarded to the back of his mind as he stood from his desk. he rushed over to the door, excitedly catching up with his friends. 

haenatov watched the teacher fall to her knees, coughing out bloody oak leaves. 

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