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note; it's still very much minjoon. sorta. ksk. some of y'all might not agree with jimin's actions. but i didn't want it to be jimin always miserably wallowing in sadness. which is why i don't like the other hanahaki au i wrote. i kind of want him to also do stupid shit because of how sad he feels since moodt. anyway this chapter took so long cause i was so hesitant but its what i wanted and i hope you like. also really shitty foreplay upcoming, don't skin me pls, i haven't written smut in literally two years. also no editing because no. 

chapter three; blue not lavender《

THE music was loud, playing something akin to indie rock, but it wasn't loud enough to overpower the cacophony of voices that slurred together. it created a warm atmosphere, under the yellow lights and above the wooden floors. it was a warm and it wasn't lonely. it was something that jimin had begun to crave ever since the day he met namjoon. 

to fill that hole he never pay much attention to in his heart, with something akin to love and companionship. so jimin sat in the bar, on one of the stools with a single shot in front of him. he hadn't touched it yet, just casually chatted with an old coworker from back in college. she was a wonderful woman. 

"jimin, i heard you just got back from your trip. how was it?" lana asked, cleaning one of the glass cups. her curly hair was tied up into a neat bun, strands of hair framing her round face. 

"it was... it was fine. more stressful than i wish it were but then again it was for business. i'm not gonna lie though, it was a beautiful place. i might just visit again when i have the time." jimin chuckled, swirling the drink around. 

"you should, don't forget to invite me when you do." she joked, a smile spreading across her face. 

"oh, i'll never forget. just remember to pay for the tickets." jimin wiggled his little finger at her. he grabbed the small glass cup, pouring the contents into his mouth. it burned his throat but it was a good kind of burn that made you all warm inside. it was the kind of burn that he got used to. 

lana heard her name get called, "ah, i'll get back to you." 

jimin waved her off, shaking his head with a shy smile. she noticed and then nodded knowingly with a laugh. she sauntered away, leaving jimin alone with his empty cup. 

jimin preferred being sober anyway. well at least in this sense. he looked around, no one catching his eye yet unfortunately. he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, sighing out a bit in discontent. he turned around to face his glass but in the corner of his eye he spotted a stranger sitting next to him. a stranger who had the shyest smile on his face looking right at him. 

 jimin thought about how he kind of resembled a bunny. it was... cute but the way his hair was framing his face, bringing full attention to the sharp and strong jawline made something stir up in the pit of jimin's stomach. "are you busy?"

"no." jimin replied, resting his hand on his cheek. he bit down on his lip, "why are you asking?" 

"well i was wondering why you seemed so lonely. i assumed that you were waiting for someone" the stranger paused, eyes flickering to jimin's lips. "no one should keep someone pretty as you waiting y'know." 

"then don't keep me waiting." jimin got up. 

the stranger looked surprised but got up as well. 

"before anything, what should i call you?" jimin asked as they made their way to the stranger's apartment. he felt nervous, the butterflies in his stomach fluttering in protest. as if they didn't want him to make this big ol' mistake with someone who's name he doesn't even know. as if they didn't want him to be happy or intimate with someone that is not namjoon. he didn't care though, at this point he'll take anything that'll take his mind of his shitty situation. 

butterfly lips。『 minjoon 』Where stories live. Discover now