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four: rebirth of a god

love pours from the tips of his fingers, filling every space that light doesn't reach, comforting the coldest corner and softening every edge. it takes a thousand years to fill up the universe, a thousand more to settle in. bright blue bonds from the past are broken and weakened, becoming thin silver strings that become entangled with others. 


"i'm leaving." 

it suddenly became quiet in the hall of gods, of the twelve gods, no one dared make a sound. it stayed like that until the sky god suddenly laughed, his other hand clenching around the table. the tips of his fingers were lily-white, creating dents in the marble. there was no warmth in his eyes, just a tired and lukewarm fire. despite the lack of drive, there was no doubt, he shined the brightest out of all of them. 

"i will come back, i can't just up and leave his throne forever, even if it wanted to." seokjin chuckled, reaching for the crystal cup filled with ruby red liquid. "it's been four thousand years, i'm in well need of a rest." he took an elegant sip of his wine.

the gods looked at him before glancing at each other, there was no doubt, out of all of them, he needed it the most. 

the war goddess stood up, "we'll wait for you, emperor, for as long as you want us to." 

the goddess of the oceans also stood up, picking up her crystal glass. she smiled widely, "then let us celebrate, to wish you well for when you depart." she looked at everyone else, "then we shall celebrate for when you come back." 

the sun god chuckled, also picking up his crystal glass. "yes," he paused, "emperor, take as much time as you need, we will hold up the sky even better than those before us."


the god of love didn't expect the crown to feel so heavy, so burdensome, and perhaps that's how it's supposed to be, a physical manifestation of what meant to be on the throne as the emperor of the skies, the gods, and earth. with everything physically beyond his reach, resting comfortably in the small of his palm. 

jimin- the god, clenched his fist so tightly, letting it rest stiffly against his side. one of the angels at his side added the final touches, powering gold dust in the corner of his eyes. they pulled away, bowing their head down gently before taking a step back, gesturing timidly to the mirror. 

he couldn't recognize the person staring at him. even before his death as a god, he never dressed so extravagantly. and the emperor's robes were the exact definition of opulence. they were made of heavy brocade, covered in opals and gold thread embroidery. a pair long dangling earrings grazed against his shoulders, his hair pinned up, his neck on display. his hands covered in jewels.

and none of it felt deserving. none of it felt right. 

one of the angels reached for his hand, helping him stand up to the platform of the throne. from this height, he could see the top of their heads and with the heavy crown on his head he couldn't exactly crane his neck down, only glance down with his eyes. 

it felt wrong when the gods that he once considered his equals, his counterparts, knelt in front of him. with their heads bowed so low, he could not see their faces. and they knelt in front of him, the god that died a million years ago, the god of love that lived as a human, oblivious to the pain of not only his comrades and friends but to the one he once considered his beloved. 

him, jimin, the human that failed miserably to keep the ones he loved happy and close to him. 

out of everyone in this entire universe that seokjin could have chosen, he chose jimin, the god of love. 

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