Eighth Edward.

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The Edwards

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How would I know if this is reality or just a part of reality that is, namely my dreams?

Because if this is reality, then I would've been dead by now. A plane crash is one of the worst ways to die- not like we get to choose to die anyway, but I'd prefer a more painful death.

So that I can like the opposite in the after life, I believe in karma you know. Reincarnation too, maybe it's just one of our family traditions.

Why are people afraid of death? Life is a beautiful lie, as the story said, and Death himself is a devastating truth.

Why can't we accept reality? Why can't we just say 'yes' to what's bound to happen? Nothing will change anyway, you're destiny is planned.

The world is bound to revolve around the sun, as we are destined to die in the end. Fear not oblivion, because there will come a time that nobody will exist.

Not a single footstep in this planet will permanently stay, because the time will come when the universe will end too.

Look how optimistic I'm getting, sense the hot and sassy sarcasm.

Back to the topic of a world called reality with boundaries of dreams, I'm momentarily confused. If this is reality, I would welcome death with open arms.

I don't want to be suffering in this world longer, but sadly, death would pass by quick as it came. Then pain, and all pain, consumed me.

Yeah I guess this is reality then, pain lets us know we're alive anyway.

Thoughts scattered over wall to wall, Screaming louder than the beeping noise and the TV static altogether. Brighter than flouroscent lights.

Because in reality, the room I am standing at now, wasn't mine, but yours. Edward, why are you afraid to die?

I can tell you are, with you unconsciously holding on to the beating of your heart like a rope on a cliff.

For the first time, I met your parents who were the so called 'Obsessive-Twilight-rents' and your sister, lastly- your grandma.

And boy, were they the funniest and amazing family in the world (save for my awesome suavé family though, don't tell big bro I said that).

When I entered your room, the first thought that came to my mind was- if you ever remember me or the things you did in the world we thought was real.

"Um, Good evening Ma'm, sir. Is this perhaps, Edward's room?"

"Oh, hello there dear. Aren't you the survivor girl who's the same age as my son?" said your mother.

"Erm, Yes. I'm Belle, pleased to meet you."

"Belle huh? Have you seen Twilight? Your name is almost close as the main character's, her name is Bella Swan. You look beautiful too."

I laughed, and there I saw your whole childhood, in the eyes of your parents. Let's see, if we have eyes to see what's beyond the physical aspects, then I would've seen your whole life in their eyes.

I can tell that your family love you very much, and so I see why you keep clutching to your body as if you're afraid of letting go.

"Um, so, ermm-"

"Wait, you're Belle?"

"Yes, little girl, I believe I am."

"Mommy, mommy. Isn't she the one big brother speaks in his sleep?"

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