Thirteenth Edward.

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The Edwards

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First of all, You ugly egoistic monkey! I'm not obsessed with you, and I will never admit things that aren't true. Second of all, How the hell do you dare to steal my phone while I'm busy destroying your head in my mind? It's plain rude.

I hope that inflated your ego just a teenie weenie bit, fathead. You really need me don't you?

And you sneaky sneaky ugly bastard who has a use of words, you are one hell of a spawn of satan. Gosh, I thought you were a good angel.

Okay, That's probably enough bullets to your ego- who knows what will become of you after you read this. Anyways, what's up with you?

You know, embarassing is a word that I hate, and a feeling I despise. You made me feel that after you told me you read my 'letters' to you. It's a letter I wouldn't want to send obviously.

I knew I should've wrote it on a paper.

Anyways, after dinner, you sent me home. And as I lay here covered in my cold duvet (because nothing is as ever warm as your hugs), I still remember it.

You walked me to my house, which was a bit far away, may I add thankfully. You can't blame a girl for crush issues okay?

"So.. Do you like them?" You asked suddenly, hands in pockets and looking straight ahead.

"The family? Ofcourse I do. They're great really, they have a sense of intelligent humor too. I mean your dad jokes about the president who couldn't get out of a bathtub and that was hilarious."

"I bet they only did that to testify if you understand the joke or not."

"Not sure if you mean it the bad way, but whatever. I like your family."

And the silence was eating me whole afterwards. It makes me think, what did I do wrong? Or is there something I said? It makes my thoughts as jumbled as my headphones.

When we crossed an intersection, I wondered and looked up at the sky. It was pretty dark side from the streetlights and the moon to make light.

So I glanced at you, and saw the way the moonlight played with your hair, as it sprinkled stardust in your eyes too.

You met my eyes Edward, and I saw the whole universe bursting. Maybe that's what they call The Big Bang Theory- when you look into someones eyes.

"Don't stare like that."

I blushed, ofcourse you would say that.

"Um, so about that.. uh-.. k-kiss..." I stuttered, hands twiddling in nervousy.

You groaned, "Great. You made things more awkward, Belle Jasse."

"Wha- It was awkward in the first place?"

You nodded and chuckled at my reaction. I huffed and crossed my arms, in a childish way and began walking ahead of you.

Then the thought crossed my head.

"Isn't it the third week of summer? Just three weeks, Holy marbles! Ed, which school are you going to?" I turned around excitedly and asked.

"Dunno. I'll follow you wherever you go, I guess." You shrugged (the one I secretly like).

I stood there gaping , then laughing at your face so hard, I almost peed. Seriously! That was so funny. You cocked your eyebrow, confused.

"God, You made it sound so creepy."

"S-shut up! I meant it." You looked away with that stupid pink tinge in your cheeks. I'd like to think it was make-up but..

"You're so adorable." I cooed and decided to pinch your face- wrong move girl. Checkmate.

Because right there at the corner of the street we stood, was a blossoming tree, and the place I dreamt of being kissed by the guy I was attracted to.

As I pinched you, our faces were millimeters far away and our breaths collided. My eyes widened and my cheeks burned badly, I looked away from your confused adorable big big eyes, and I ruffled your hair awkardly.

"What?" You grabbed my wrist.

I cursed the sirens in my heart for being so so loud. I also curse the stardust in his eyes, damn them.

"N-nothing." I looked away. It's such a cliché moment and I'm having a guilty pleasure of it. Because let's face it, we sometimes want life to be cliché because we know it can't be.

"Tell me or I'll kiss you." You warned.

If thoughts were to be said aloud, I'd probably have my life taken away by now. The only thing I want is that, you. You. I'm addicted to you and your kisses- much more than Hershey's. It's toxic, and all the more when I have a sweet tooth.

You're a drug I never want to give up on.

Pleasekissme pleasekissme pleasekissme, They were running through my dumb head. See what you do to me?

"S-shut it."

"..You know, someday, I want to be able to stand at the end of the rainbow with you."

"That's merely impossible. First of all, Rainbows are spheres and it moves away when you move closer, and second of all, how would you guess if it's the beggining of the rainbow or the end?"

You laughed and tugged my wrist to your chest and it rested awkwardly there. Like super-I-can-hear-your-heart-beat awkward.

"That's what I like about you."

Cue jumping heartbeat, Exit confident smart-ass self.

"You told me that I make things awkward yet you do too yourself." I chuckled with uncertainty of my words.

"Hey, we're both compatibly awkward! What a coincidence. That's why we have chemistry.."

And after that silly conversation, you took me home and told me to rest (even though you're the one in dire need of rest) and gave me your number.

We texted all night long, never ending funny texts and pick-up lines. I enjoyed my night-life. The last text I read before I slept soundly was;

[Edward]: You know what they say? To see is to believe. But love cannot be seen, but you made me believe in it, Belle Jasse. Goodnight ;)

You're such a cheese.

And that's who the thirteenth Edward is, and yes Edward, I like him. I hope you like him too. Oh, by the way, Edward.. One last thing.

I'm inexplicably infatuated with you.

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