Eighteenth Edward.

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The Edwards

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   Why do we all like to think we're broken?

I mean, if you're happy then you have no right to say that you are. Well maybe you can if that happiness of yours is a refuge to your depression.

  A small star to your black sky.

There is also a big difference of being broken and being blind. Some people often mistake those two. Broken is crumbling down and already torn and shattered, while blind is a whole new thing.

   It's not the typical blind we know, it's the blind that covers our thoughts and coats our hearts with black paint. It blinds us to seeing how happy we really are.

   A moment of sadness isn't being broken, it will fleet away. Don't worry, I know that. I believe though that all the broken could be fixed whether be it by thread and needle or by duct tape.

   So tell me Edward, which do you define to be? The broken or the blind? I don't know, and I probably can't for the meantime.

  "Hey.. You- you awake?"

   I shifted from the window to the voice of my brother and I met his silly constipated face. No, not really constipated.


   I looked at him, slowly scruntunizing.

"What is it?"

   "I just want to.. apologize. Sorry for being a jerk earlier."

"...... .."

   "And-and, I shouldn't have said those things. I like going to Asutralia with you and all that getting away from Mom and Dad sometimes. It's just... that... "

  He paused, contemplating whether or not he's going to tell me or just skip and go. I nodded at him as if signifying that he can continue.

  "You see, me and Aianna had a fight earlier. She thought I was going away for good. She told me that she hates long distance relationships and how hard it is to maintain being loyal. I don't know how it ended up with me trying to explain and her not letting me finish, and sending me out of her door- and her life for good!

   She's all that I have left, Belle. My friends are douchebags and they ignore me in school, you guys have your own life and I want to have my own too. Relationships and attachents really are tough Belle.

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