First Belle.

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A/N: This is a special chapter in the view of someone special :) I got tired of Belle's pervy POV x3 I hope you enjoy ~

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The Edwards

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Belle Jasse.

I don't know how to describe you really- I mean you're beautiful, smart, funny and all that- but much more than that.

God, I'm not good at this.

I read the letters you wrote, while you were distractedly staring at me- I stole your phone and excused myself, and I just saw.

Don't ask why, because I'm just a curious guy. Holy crap that rhymed. Sorry- I said 'crap'.

Back to the point, I went to the bathroom and surfed through your phone- and I checked your notes, and there it is.

When I read the first part, I think I gagged. God, Belle Jasse- you were such a girl who was good with words. Okay, maybe I blushed a bit.

You know what? I'm thankful that we got into a plane crash too. I know, silly, but if it didn't happen then what else would?

I loved dreaming about you, I like telling you everything in my sleep. I don't know what this phenomena is called, lucid dreaming repeatedly with the same person and same world.

Maybe it's not a dream.

Crazy for saying this really, but I'd like to theorize that this was a memoir of our past, and I told you before that I believe in reincarnation- er, maybe not.

And I believe that the dreams we had were a replay of what happened before- just in different bodies and scenes. I don't know, it makes me sound like a scientist.

Enough about dreaming, Belle Jasse.

Because we are in reality, and you should know we're as real as the sun. When I read your other notes, I began to worry when you said you were afraid I was lying.

That's it, Belle Jasse, I'm not lying and we're real, and this is not another crazy dream. Maybe life is a crazy dream, but I know we aren't.

Geez, look how you made me- all fluffy mushy and that stuff. I have no idea where you find the power to affect me so much.

"Hey, Eddie! You've been there for five minutes already, what are you doing?" Your girly voice screamed through the door, while banging it.

Eddie, a nickname you once called me in my sleep.

"Did you really miss me that much?"

"S-shut up and open the door! Or else we're serving blueberry cheesecake without you!"

"Okay, okay. I'll be out in a second, just let me finish something."

And I quickly scanned your notes in a hurry then read the last part and the last line- and my heart didn't stop beating- but it skipped a beat.

I don't know what the last phrase meant, but somehow it made me so happy- it was as if you were saying that you were falling--

"Two blueberry cheesecakes for me!!"

I chuckled, "Okay, I'm going out."

"Hurry up you, slowpo-"

And your sentence was cut with my opening of the door, and your head hitting it with an 'oomph' and me, staring at you in shock.

The EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now