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The girl sat with her arms stretched along the back of the sofa, her long legs crossed. She wore a smile as she watched me sitting in front of her. The boys were muttering about her and trying to figure out who she was.

I heard the door open and my brother came in.

"Bee," Kihyun said, "Did you hurt her?"

"No" I frowned "I want to though"

"Someone please explain what is going on?" Jimin said, "I was going to get laid but you come in and stopped it. Who is this girl?"

"Why don't you let her explain?" I said, looking at the girl in front of me.

Everyone looked over at her and she sighed "Fine. What would you like to know?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Jimin snapped "Were you sent to kill me?"

She snorted "No. I wasn't here to kill you"

"Then why the hell did you stop her!" Jimin turned on me.

"Because she..." I stopped. How was I meant to explain her to them? She was an assassin.

"I'm Hana," She said standing up and pulling the hem of her shorts down.

"So who are you?" Jimin snapped "And why did my bodyguard put a gun to you?"

Hana smiled and folded her arms "I'm nobody"

"Jimin" Kihyun said, "She really is nobody"

"That doesn't make any sense," Jimin said, "Who the fuck is she?"

"Bee" Hana pouted "You didn't tell him who I am. I'm slightly sad now"

I glared at her and she just giggled, and I'm sure I heard my brother sigh like a kid in love. I turned to look at him and he quickly looked away from Hana.

"I'm only here to help" Hana held her hands up "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it when you were getting out that flashy car of yours"

"Why are you here?"I asked, "You don't help anyone but yourself or gang"

"Which gang?" Yoongi asked, looking her up and down.

"Now now boys" Hana wagged her finger at them as they pulled guns out "The Sirens but that isn't important, I'm here to deliver something"

"Like what?" I asked, stepping towards her. Hana flicked her dark hair over one shoulder and put her hands on my cheeks "Stop that"

"You are so cute!" She squealed and giggled "I have some news about the gangs that are targeting Bangtan and then some"

"Then some?" Kihyun asked.

"Yes. But we can talk about that privately" Hana winked and my brother and I rolled my eyes at his reaction "You as well Bee. It's important"

Jimin was getting fed up and he stormed forward, and grabbed hold of Hana's throat slamming her against the wall "If you don't speak I am going to rip your throat out"

"Tut, tut" Hana whispered "That wouldn't be a good idea, considering I have a gun pointed at your nuts"

I found myself laughing and Jimin looked down.

"Shit," Jimin said, letting her go "Start talking"

"There has been some talk about Bangtan being taken over by Jimin. The other gangs don't like how Bangtan have gained more territory and have their fingers in all sorts of holes," Hana giggled at her comment "Anyway, a few of them have teamed up and are going to take him out, then break the gang down until Bangtan is no more. You also have snakes that have turned their back on the gang. I don't know who they are, but if you ask me, I will help find them"

Kihyun folded his arms "That means you are going to be around more often,"

Hana walked over to Kihyun and grinned "Would you mind?"

His face went red and I hit him in the arm "Bee...what do you think?"

"Jimin is the boss," I muttered "I'm just the bodyguard"

"Siblings, as I promised, I will tell you something else. So, why don't you show me to the door? Yes?" Hana said, her smile suddenly gone "Lovely to meet you boys, and Jimin? You should really work on chat up lines. I was slightly disappointed"

I followed Hana through the house and to the garden where Kihyun sent the other guys away.

"It's about your parents," Hana said, and I felt my heart skip a beat "I know their last location and their last mission. But then the tracks go dead. Whoever has them are very trained and know how to cover their tracks up"

"Shit," I said, "What was their last mission?"

"Wonho told me that they were hired to take out some leader in a small unknown island on the North coast of Japan. From what he found, they did that but then nothing. It was like they suddenly vanished and no traces were left"

"Are The Sirens helping?" Kihyun asked.

"This is off the record Kihyun," Hana said, "It's just me and the guys helping you. After what Bee did to the gang, they won't want to help you. No chance"

I found myself smiling "They are still scared of me"

"Yes," Hana said, "Look, I am trying my best to find them and which gang is responsible for this, but for the meantime, keep close to this one. I have one of my guys involved in the other"

"Thank you," I said, "Even though you are a loose cannon...probably sociopathic"

"I have emotions," Hana said, "I'm more psychopathic"

Kihyun cleared his throat "How are you and Wonho?"

"In what way do you mean, Kihyunnie?" Hana said, putting her hands behind his neck. His face went red "Well?"

"Are you still an item?"

"We are always an item" Hana tilted her head "Wonho still likes you even though you are crushing on his girlfriend"

I slapped her hands away from him "Hana, thanks. But maybe you should go. Bangtan are getting suspicious"

Hana kissed Kihyun by the mouth and kissed my forehead "Don't die, guys"

She giggled again and skipped away to the motorbike sitting by the entrance. She swung her leg over, revved the engine and sped off. Kihyun let out a sigh.

"If only Wonho wasn't dangerous," He said, "I'm sure Hana would like me"

"Stop it" I muttered "You know she'd never look at you. You're too much of a baby"

"Fuck off," Kihyun said, "Do you believe what she said?"

I shrugged "I don't know. Hana is...you never know what side you will get with her. Nice Hana or crazy Hana"

"Bee!" I heard Jimin yell "What the fuck are you doing? Get your ass inside because you owe me!"

"Owe him?" I said, looking at Kihyun "Can I please just torture him to see if he knows anything about our parents?"

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment.

Also, I know people don't like Hana, but don't say it. You don't have to like all the characters.

Stay weird <33

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