Extra Chapter 7

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- Hanbin's Birthday Part 3-   


I kicked the dead body at my feet and watched as the rival gang made a run for it. The ones that could run that is. They were stupid to think they could win against all these gangs under the same roof.

"How dumb can they be?" Jin said, rolling someone over "Why can't they give up? The Vipers has been run to the ground, yet here they are"

I put my gun away "I'll get Bee and the kids"

"Oh by the way," Namjoon said "Congratulations"

"For what?"

"Don't play dumb" Jungkook laughed "Hana let it slip about Bee being pregnant"

I felt my face burn "How the fuck did she know?"

Hana giggled and jumped onto my back, slipping her arms around my neck "Because I'm brilliant and Bee asked me to buy her a pregnancy test"

"Well done," Kihyun said stepping in front of me "Not only did you make her fall in love with you, make her want to marry you, but you also managed to get my sister pregnant"

"Thanks?" I said and he punched me in the stomach "What the fuck!"

"Oops," Kihyun said "I guess it's still a habit"

"Well break the habit" I groaned and stood up straight "I'll go get them"

I rubbed my stomach as I walked into the kitchen and I froze. Bee was standing in front of the kids, bleeding from her shoulder. Her arm was shaking as her gun pointed at the 4 men in front of her. It looked like she had shot one but I pulled my gun out again and shot 3 of them before I ran out of bullets. 

Hanbin jumped to his feet and rushed forward to the one who was about to shoot. I saw him pull the knife Bee gave him from his pocket and he rammed it into the leg of the man still standing. 

The man howled out in pain and punched Hanbin in the face, sending him flying. 

Hana and Wonho ran past. Wonho went straight for their son. Hana went for the man who lifted his hand. I almost felt sorry for him as Hana tore into him, with a knife. I ran to Bee who had fallen to her knees. JinJin was pressing his hand to her shoulder and singing her a song.

"Twinkle twinkle little star!" He sang loudly "How I wonder what you are!"

"Baby!" I said, moving JinJin away. He still didn't stop singing and Bee was smiling at him "We need to get you to a hospital. Were you shot anywhere else?"

"No" Bee winced as I moved the top from her shoulder "That dumb bastard was going to shoot the kids. Good thing his aim was fucking shit"

After everything had calmed down, they followed us back to my place. We all sat in the lounge. Bee had her shoulder bandaged up and I almost passed out in relief when I found out the bullet only grazed her shoulder.

Hanbin was sitting on Hana, being rocked back and forth. He had stopped crying, but Hana hadn't.

"I can't let my baby grow up in this world" She cried "It's unfair. He can't be one of us"

"Mummy," Hanbin said stroking her hair "I'm fine. I only have a black eye but did you see what I did to that guy? He screamed like a girl!"

Hana smiled slightly "I know baby. You did well"

"That's what I will do to uncle Jimin if he doesn't look after my princess Bee"

I froze stroking Bee's hair and I turned to look at Hanbin "What?"

Hanbin laughed and ran over to me "I'm joking uncle...or am I?"

"Get this demon child away from me!" I said pushing him away with my foot "Demon! Be gone"

Hanbin just laughed and started dancing in the middle of the room with JinJin.

"This is the best birthday ever!" He cried out and JinJin laughed "Ain't that right JinJin? You even fired a gun!"

"He what?" Yoongi glared at Bee.

"Gotta run!" Hanbin and JinJin said and took off.

"Bee, you let him fire a gun?"

"No" Bee mumbled "Not intentionally. He took the gun and fired. I was the one to kill him. JinJin said he wanted to be part of the action. Don't give me that look. Kihyun first fired a gun when he was 3"

"JinJin is not Kihyun"

"Look," I said, "Why can't you just talk about it another time. Alright? It isn't important. What is important, that the kids are safe"

"Let me put it this way then" Yoongi folded his arms "Let's say that you and Bee have a baby girl, and then when she is old enough Bee gives her a gun to fire. How would you react?"

I pressed my lips together "Fine. I understand"

"Oh come on," Bee said, "Our baby is going to have an assassin as a mother and a gangster as a father. What makes you think that she won't want a gun for her first birthday?"

I went to say something, but Jungkook, Namjoon and Jin ran into the room screaming.

"What's wrong?" I asked, "Has someone broke in?"

"Yes!" Jin yelled, "Someone stole from us!"

"Our consoles have gone!" Namjoon said stomping his foot like a kid "Who the hell is stupid enough to steal from Bangtan? I'm going to kill them!"

Jungkook fell to his knees dramatically "My precious console. My baby has been taken from me. Do you know how long it took me to complete that stupid game? 2 fucking months!"

"Namjoon, go check the cameras. It will see if anyone is caught on camera"

Bee giggled beside me "Oh dear"

Everyone turned to face a giggling Bee. Pregnancy was making her crazy. She was going to be harder to be around now.

"Why are you laughing?" Namjoon asked.

Bee grinned widely "I took the consoles and if you want them back alive, you have to do exactly as I tell you"

"Bee!" Jungkook said, "Why would you do that?"

"I was in a bad mood and there wasn't any food in the house. Jimin was meant to do it and I was hungry"

"Shit," I said.

"Please give them back!" Jungkook begged "I need those games"

Bee smiled "Not going to happen. Unless you want to break into my clan's house, fight off the guard dogs and the assassins living in there"

"Oh fuck" Jungkook said "Forget it. They are a lost cause. I'd rather be bored than try and get those back"

Jin grinned "I'm handsome enough. I'm sure I can get them back"

I sighed and watched them as they planned a way to get the consoles back. I was actually glad they were gone because it meant I could use that room as a playroom for the kids. So, when our baby was old enough it could play in there with the other kids.

"Why are you smiling?" Bee asked me.

"No reason baby," I said, kissing her "I love you"

Bee rolled her eyes "Yeah, yeah. I love you too, now what do you want?"

I hugged her to me, resting my cheek on the top of her head. 

Bee was one hell of a girl and now she was pregnant, I was going to be the badass in the relationship and Bee wasn't allowed to do anything.

I'd probably be beaten up but it would be worth it.

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