18 - Side Chapter

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A/N: The past...



They were all watching me. They didn't trust me. No one trusted me.

"Hana, did you want to go for a shower?" She asked me "The blood has dried now"

I grinned "I like it on me. I like knowing who's blood it is"

She smiled at me. She was so pretty. She was always so nice to me. I didn't know why she was so nice to me. I wasn't nice to her.

"My parents won't be happy if there is blood all over the furniture," She said and she held her hand out to me. I just looked at it "Come on. I'll show you where it is"

"Am I crazy?" I asked, tilting my head "Everyone thinks I'm crazy"

"Do you think you're crazy?" A boy said and I looked at him. It was her brother. He was nice to me as well. He used to hug me all the time.

I grinned "I know I'm crazy"

"Then what's the problem?" He asked with a shrug "We still love you even if you did just dismember that Dr"

Love. I didn't know the meaning of love. Who could love someone like me? I was crazy and I was broken. But I didn't care. I didn't need anyone. My mother didn't love me. She ran away with my younger brother. He was the only one I could love.

She took my hand and pulled me to my feet. I let her drag me to her room and she pushed me into the shower still wearing my clothes. I watched as the blood dripped into the basin and swirled around, disappearing down the drain.

I smiled as the blood dripped from my body. I felt better knowing whose blood it was. The white coat man was dead. Just like my father. I went easy on the white coat man. I didn't shove his useless dick into his mouth to make him eat it. No one was going to know who that man was for a while. Not after I took his fingernails, teeth and scalp.

They were nice enough to let me set fire to him. I walked out of the room remembering the smell of his burning flesh and it made me laugh with delight. As they followed me from the building, they threw matches around and it caught fire. The building was up in tall, beautiful flames burning everything it got hold of. People included. I didn't care. Why would I care?

"Call me when you are done," She said and she closed the door behind her. I had never been nice to her, so why was she being nice to me?

The water felt like needles piercing my skin but I didn't move. I couldn't move. How could they be so nice to me? I would kill them if I had to. The brother and sister were like family but if I had to, I would kill them. Even though I had known them since they were born. I was older. I was smarter. I was more skilful. I was crazier.

Yet they helped me.

They claimed to love me, but who could love me?

I stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror. The blood was mostly gone but some needed to be scrubbed from my face and hair. My dark hair fell across my face and shoulders. My eyes were dead. They had no emotion. How could they love me?

I gripped the edge of the sink and carried on staring at my face. I was beautiful. I wasn't blind. I knew people thought that. But they still couldn't love me. I was a mess and I was crazy. I licked my lips and glanced down at the small black bag sitting by the toilet.

I grabbed it and found small razor blades. I gripped them tightly in my hand and stared at myself again. Was this the only way? I didn't know. Who could ever know about that? No one.

There was a knock on the door.

"Are you done?" A male spoke "We are waiting on you to order food"

I didn't answer. I would never answer. It was my time to go. I smiled at myself and the steam on the mirror distorted my face even more. That was more like it. I didn't want to see myself look remotely normal...I wasn't normal. I'd never fit in.

I was a trained killer and I had killed more people than I could remember. A cold-blooded killer.

"Are you still in there?" He spoke again. It was the voice who cut me from my restraints "Hana?"

Stop talking to me. I don't want to hear your voice right now. I found myself giggling. It was pointless in saving me. I was going to go and they weren't going to bring me back. Not anymore. Why would I need to be living? Everything I had promised to do had been done.

I killed my father.

I killed the white coat guy.

I was going to kill myself.

It had been completed. All my plans were now coming to an end. I just had to finish one last thing and I would be happy. The pain and suffering would come to an end. The voices in my head...the memories of being hurt...the feeling of losing my baby brother. It was going to end.

Hana was crazy and now Hana was going to die.

The door was kicked open and the boy rushed in, grabbing my hands and slamming them to the wall behind me. It didn't hurt.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He hissed. I looked up at his face. He was beautiful. But he had always been beautiful. I found myself staring at him "Hana? Answer me!"

"I'm going to die now," I said quietly "It's time for me to die"

"I won't let that happen," He said hugging me to him "Ever"

"Why?" I laughed "Why would you want me to stay alive? After everything I have done...this is the last thing I wish for"

"Because I care about you"

"You don't"

"Then you are stupid" He sighed "Hana, I've always cared about you. Even though your dad broke ties with my family, I have always wanted to save you. Don't do this to yourself...don't do this to me. Let go of your demons. Let me help you"

I laughed "I can't drown my demons when they know how to swim. No one can save me"

He held me tighter, and I slowly lifted my arms to grip his shirt "Hana, I will save you"

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