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I rolled my eyes "Jimin, they are old friends of mine"

"They are flirting with you and you belong to me," Jimin said and my heart leapt into my throat.


"Oh ho," Kihyun said standing beside Jimin with folded arms "Did I hear that right?"

"No," Jimin said quickly and stepped away from him "She's my bodyguard. Just my bodyguard. Bodyguard. Bee the Bodyguard"

"Alright. I think we get that I'm a bodyguard" I said "Jeez"

I folded my arms and ignored my racing heart. Don't fall for the suspect. Idiot.

Hana giggled and jumped onto me "You are so cute! I could just eat you up!"

"Babe," Wonho said, and Hana pouted "Babe"

"Ok fine!" Hana said and stomped over to him. She folded her arms and started to sulk.

"She is on one today," Kihyun whispered in my ear "Wonho isn't happy with her"

"Why not?" I asked as they started to talk with Jimin.

Kihyun almost smiled "Some drunk guy grabbed her ass and she beat him to a pulp"

I frowned "With what?"

"With his shoe" Kihyun snorted "Of all things. She didn't even pull out her knife. How cool is that? Seriously. So sexy"

"Get over her," I said, "You know she is too crazy for you"

"I know" Kihyun pouted "I can't help who I love...but I'm losing interest"

"Have you finished whispering yet?" Jimin said walking over "You need to get ready to visit The Sevens"

"Today?" I asked.

Jimin scrunched his face up "Fine. In 2 days so make sure that you are ready because I won't be happy if I get shot" Jimin put his hands on my shoulders "I'm relying on you"

"The only one who is going to shoot you is me if you don't get your hands off my sister," Kihyun said.

Jimin pulled his hands away like my skin was suddenly on fire "Hoseok, show these guys to the spare rooms. I-I need to do something...important stuff"

No one spoke as he rushed off.

"I think he is scared of you," Wonho said patting Kihyun's head "Good on you little man"

"I am not little" Kihyun smacked his hand away.

Wonho smirked, "Shall we put that to the test?"

"I really missed you guys" Shownu said putting his arms around us "It's good to see you again. It's been too long"

"How come you don't threaten him when he touches Bee?" Namjoon asked.

"Because Shownu knows that if he ever gets naked with her again, he will end up like lamb skewers" Kihyun said.

"Huh" Yoongi said, "This sounds wrong, but I like to see that"

Kihyun glared at Yoongi and grabbed his shirt "Don't imagine my sister naked"

"Oh my god!" I said, smacking Kihyun "Stop it! I'm your older sister and I do what I want and he isn't imagining me naked. He's gay"

"How did you know?" Yoongi asked.

"I have this gay-dar thing and it's not like you hide it very well"

"You are only older than me by like, 2 minutes" Kihyun punched my arm and I punched him back, making Hana giggle "Are you starting a fight with me?"

"Don't hit me" I said as he punched me. I clenched my fists and punched him in the gut "You know I always win these fights. Don't test me"

Kihyun went to hit me again, but Hana stepped between us. No one spoke or moved. She didn't tend to get involved in our sibling's fight.

"If you two are going to fight, let me join in," She said, staring at the floor "It's been a while since I have had a decent fight and I am in the mood to see some blood"

Hana was in a bad mood. Shit. Not what anyone needed.

"We'll stop," Kihyun said "No fighting"

"Oh but please," Hana said, still not moving. Her dark hair covered her face.

"Wonho," I said "A little help please"

"Hana," Wonho said "Let's go for a walk"

She didn't say anything. Kihyun pulled his hand back and Wonho led Hana away from the house and through the gates.

"Wow," I said, "Is she alright?"

The guys shrugged.

"She has been in a bad mood for a while now," Jooheon said.

"None of my guys will die...right?" Jin asked.

"Not when Wonho is with her" Minhyuk said, "She'll come back like nothing happened. Just don't make her remember what was about to happen"

Minhyuk was right. By the time we all sat down for dinner, she was back to her normal crazy self. She was all over Wonho and giggling over stupid things.

"Bee," Shownu said "You look good"

"Thanks," I said, taking a bite of my food "So do you. Been working out?"

Shownu grinned "Harder than normal"

Jimin snorted "Can everyone just stop flirting at the table? It's putting me off my food"

"I see a little bit of jealousy" Hana said with a big smile "Is Chim Chim sad that his bodyguard isn't paying any attention to him?"

"Sh-shut up!" Jimin said "She shouldn't be flirting. Bee, you need to focus. What if someone attacks me?"

"I highly doubt they will attack right now" I muttered and he narrowed his eyes at me. I sighed and shrugged "I'll stop talking to my friend and make sure that I pay attention so no one will try and kill you. Better?"

"Better" Jimin turned away from me.

"Are you sulking?" Jungkook asked and Jimin punched him in the chest "Ugh. Maybe not"

Jimin slammed his hands on the table "While we are here, I want to know what you are planning to do Wonho. You've joined forces with Bangtan and I want to know the reason why"

Wonho was ignoring him. He was pinching Hana's nose and then kissing it, making her giggle like a child.

"I'm talking to you!" Jimin said, almost shouting. A sharp gasp escaped his mouth and he turned his head slowly to see a knife sticking out the wall "What...the...fuck"

"Can you not see I am busy?" Wonho glared at him "My girlfriend is more important right now than to talk about business. Can you not see how fucking cute she is?"

Everyone tried to hide their smiles by picking up their glasses.

"Excuse me," I choked out and I quickly left the table to laugh. I hid around the corner and snorted out a laugh.

Jimin was nowhere near their level and he wasn't dangerous at all. How was he supposed to take over his dad's gang? Well...he wouldn't if his dad took the hit out on him.

"Did you find that funny?" Jimin said, stalking towards me.

"Nope!" I squeaked and he backed me into the wall "I'm not laughing. Not laughing. Straight face"

Jimin sighed "Just smile. You look stupid when you try and hide it. Smile more"

I grinned "You are so scared of them"

Jimin tilted his head "Bee, why don't you smile like this? Whenever you smile around others, it seems forced"

"It isn't forced"

"Bee, you are seriously cute when you smile properly," Jimin said, "Personally, I think you are so much cuter than Hana"


His Bodyguard [[PJM]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now