25 - Side Chapter

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I sat staring at the wall. The picture wasn't good. I could do better than that. I couldn't draw. But I could paint the walls with blood.

I grinned under my mask and I decided to go for a walk. I pulled the zip up on my jacket and tightened my leather gloves, then pulled my hood up. I meant business today.

Since my father was brutally murdered by a beautiful girl, I had come back to take what was rightfully mine. I don't know what girl took my place while I was locked away but she was going to hand it over...or I was going to kill her. It was simple.

Actually. I was going to kill anyone that got in my way or didn't think I was good enough to run my gang. I giggled and as I walked through the house, people moved out my way. They belonged to Wonho and they were scared of me.

I liked they were scared of me.

They shouldn't have called me names or all of them would be alive.

"Hana" I heard Wonho call me "Where are you going dressed to kill?"

"I am going to kill" I said, looking over at him "I'm taking back what is mine"

Wonho folded his arms "Should you go alone?"

"No one can kill me," I said, "They fear me"

"Take someone with you," Wonho said "And that isn't a request"

I giggled "Are you worried about me?"

"Yes" He said and my heart thumped hard in my chest "I love you. I worry about you going off alone"

"You don't love me," I said, walking away "You are just confused by my beauty"

Wonho grabbed my wrist and slammed me against the wall "I am not confused about my feelings. You are the one confused. You don't know how to love or be loved. I have told you before that I am going to be the one to save you"

"I'm running late" I said, moving him away gently. I didn't want to hurt him. Wonho was special. Wonho didn't call me crazy but I knew I was crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

"Take Changkyun with you. He might be younger than us, but he is the best" Wonho said putting his hands on my face "He won't get involved unless he has to. This fight is yours but he has your back"

I looked away from Wonho. I couldn't argue with him. I didn't want to upset him. He didn't treat me like a crazy person.

"I take the silence as a yes" Wonho kissed my forehead "Get going. Remember that Bee and Kihyun are coming over to see you. I don't want you to be late"

"Ok" I said quietly and I skipped off. I stopped at the end of the hallway and looked over my shoulder "Don't...I'll be back soon...Wonho"

I pulled the trigger, shooting the lock off and I pushed the door open with the tip of my knife. The girls inside were on their feet, pulling guns from their holsters and I giggled.

"This isn't the welcome home I hoped for!" I walked further into the room "Now, where is the bitch that has taken what is rightfully mine?"

"Who are you?" One girl asked and she aimed the gun at me.

I giggled "Is that a smart thing to do?"

"Who are-" The bullet cut her sentence short and she fell to the floor.

"Does anyone else want to die tonight?" I asked, my eyes widening in excitement "No? Then were is the girl who took my gang from me?"

They pointed to a black door and my stomach twisted on me. That was his office. That was where the beautiful girl tore him to pieces. I stepped over the dead girl and the others moved out of my way.

"Knock knock!" I said kicking the door open "You must be the girl I'm looking for!"

"Who the fuck are you?" She shouted and there were guns pointed at me "Take your mask off and let me see your face before I kill you"

"Tut-tut," I said waving my knife at her "You should be nicer to me"

"Fuck you" She hissed "Tell that guy to put his gun down or I'll shoot you both"

I turned to look at Changkyun "Don't worry petal...she doesn't have the balls to shoot someone as cute as you"

"Who are you?"

I sighed "I'm Jeon Hana and this is my gang"

The girls gasped and lowered their guns. The girl behind the desk didn't. I giggled and pulled the mask from my face. Her hand started to shake but she kept the gun up.

Kill her.

Take back what is yours.

"The Sirens doesn't belong to you," The girl said, "Your dad wrote in his will that I was to take over"

I tilted my head "Did you hear that petal? Apparently, my father had a will, but it's strange because that man didn't exist"


I walked forward and grabbed the gun, putting it to my forehead "Pull the trigger if you think you can do it"

"You crazy bitch!" She screamed.

I pulled the gun from her and tossed it to the side "Now. That wasn't very nice. Calling your new boss crazy"

"You-" She started but I slashed my knife threw the air and cut her throat. I grinned as the blood spurted onto me and she clasped her hands across her neck. I grabbed her hands and pinned them to the table with knives and watched the life bleed from her.

"Well," Changkyun said "You'll need to replace that desk"

I grinned up at him and I saw the other girls step back "I'll need a new building. I'm going to burn this one to the ground"

Changkyun looked at his watch "We should get back, Hana. Wonho told me to make sure you aren't late"

I looked back at the dead girl sprawled over my fathers desk and I giggled. It was a shame I didn't have the time to play. If I did, she wouldn't have died so quickly. I pulled my knives away and spun them in my hands, letting the spray of blood settle on my clothes and skin.

"As of now, The Sirens is under my control," I said, "If anyone has any objections you will end up like this bitch here. Let everyone know. So, if you don't want to be burnt alive, I suggest you get the fuck out of here"

The girls ran out and one stayed.

"Why are you not moving?" I asked walking over to her.

"Hana," She said, and she suddenly hugged me "I'm so glad you're alive"

"Ew," I said pushing her away "Don't hug me again. I don't like being touched"

She smiled and nodded "Yeah, I'm sorry. I forgot. It's just...I missed you"

I tilted my head "Huh. Well, I don't remember you so...are you hungry?"


I giggled "You are now my number 2. I don't know you but you can be my number 2. Let's go. you are coming with me. I am hungry and I am meeting two cute siblings and I don't want to make Wonho upset with me"

A/N: The image at the top is what I imagined Hana to be wearing/look like (but me all the same...if you know what I look like that is :P)

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