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As soon as I got to the surface, I gasped for air not caring that dirt was in my mouth. I coughed and pulled myself further from the mud. I rolled onto my back, feeling grateful that I wasn't buried deeper. Whoever dug the hole must have gotten bored.

The clouds were grey and a low rumble showed signs of a storm. I wiped the mud from my face and sat up staring at the trees that surrounded me. I had to find my way back to the house and they must have thought I was dumb enough to die because they left tracks.

I pulled myself to my feet as the trees shook in the wind, and small drops of rain fell to the floor.

The rain felt great on my skin, and I grabbed a shovel they left behind. So stupid. I walked through the forest, without taking my eyes from in front of me. No one was going to be hanging around. They just thought I was a bodyguard but boy were they going to be shocked to see me breaking into their little hideout.

I found myself smiling. It had been too long since I had a decent fight. I wasn't going to pull out guns on them. I preferred to fight them with my hands or any other weapon found. I heard some voices and I gripped the shovel tight. I walked towards them and watched them from the shadows.

Two guys standing smoking on the edge of the forest.

"I thought the girl would scream more" One said.

"I was looking forward to seeing her cry" The other muttered "If we bury Jimin, he'd scream"

"That guy is pathetic. How could he take over the gang?" The guy laughed "We aren't burying him. Jaebum is sending his head back to his house to show that Bangtan is his and if anyone goes against him, they'd be killed"

"How sweet," I said and they both turned to look at me. Before they had the chance to scream, I smashed the shovel into their heads dropping them in seconds. I poked them with my feet and dragged them into the forest. I disarmed them and stole one of their belts. Choking the next guy I found would be nice and quick.

I ran through the side of the forest and as I got closer to the house, my blood was pumping. I was rearing to go and no one was going to stop me. The guys trying to protect the house were easy targets. They were lackeys and were easy to take down. I choked one and dragged him away before the others could see. I hid him behind a bin and sneaked up on the other two. I grabbed one's head and jerked it to the side, dropping him like a sack of shit. The other guy managed one yell before I jammed a small knife into his ear.

A door opened and I pressed myself against the wall, letting the guys come out. I quickly ran in before they could see me and I worked my way through the place, snapping necks when I had to. Or slamming their heads shut in a heavy fire door. This was fun. They really underestimated a girl.

I found where my brother and Jimin were, and I picked the lock. I pushed it open and my brother grinned at me.

"Took you long enough" He said.

"What the fuck" Jimin said quietly "How-how are you here?"

I closed the door behind me "I broke out of the coffin. Isn't it obvious?"

"How?" He exclaimed "No normal person could do that"

"I'm not a normal person," I said, and I dusted some mud off me "I wasn't buried as deep as last time"

"Really?" Kihyun said "That's disappointing"

"I know" I shook my head "Jimin, are you ready to go?"

"Who are you people?" Jimin asked pointing at us "Kihyun said that being a bodyguard isn't your day job so that must mean that you are...oh shit. You were sent to kill me weren't you?"

I frowned "No. We were paid to protect you"

"Then how the fuck-"

"Assassins," I said and his eyes went wide "We are assassins, so if you don't want to die here, you are going to have to do as we say...alright?"

"They are coming," Kihyun said, "Get behind the door"

I pressed myself to the wall and Jimin was just staring at me. He looked so confused. How cute.

The door opened and people came in with guns.

"What the fuck is going on?" They hissed "How did you get out from the ropes?"

I closed the door quietly behind them and they didn't even notice. I stepped forward and stomped on the back of one guy's leg, sending him to the floor howling in pain. Before the other guy could shoot at me, I hit him in the nose with the palm of my hand, then swept the last guys feet from on him. I brought my foot down onto his face and he was out cold.

"Jimin," I said, "Take their guns. You will need them"

"Don't be scared" Kihyun laughed "That wasn't scary"

"No," Jimin said, walking forward "That was fucking hot"

"What?" Kihyun said.

Jimin stepped over the bodies and grabbed hold of me.

"What the-" I started but he cut me off with a kiss. My eyes went wide.

"Hey!" Kihyun dragged Jimin from me and pressed a broken chair leg against his leg "What did we talk about? You don't get to touch my sister!"

"Grow up Kihyun," I said, disarming the guys. I knew my face was bright red but I was so fucking thankful I was still covered in mud "Let's hurry before they realise that there is a trail of dead bodies leading to this room"

"I think I'm in love" Jimin said and Kihyun punched him in the stomach "Ouch!"

"Let's just get the fuck out of here" Kihyun hissed "Sister, we are going to talk when we get back"

"Brother, stay out of my business" I glared at him "Pick up the damn gun and let's move"

Kihyun mumbled under his breath and left the room, with Jimin and I trailing after him. Jimin had guns stuffed in the back of his jeans and he held two in his hands.

He was hot.

I just didn't tell him that...not while my brother was with us. If the others didn't kill Jimin, my brother certainly would.

His Bodyguard [[PJM]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now