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I was watching Jimin sleep. I had covered him after getting dressed and putting my weapons on my body. I sat on the table for a while watching him not wanting to leave...but I had no choice.

I stood up and walked over to him. I bent over and kissed his lips gently not wanting to wake him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. Jimin mumbled in his sleep and pulled the cover further up to his chin and I found myself smiling "You were right...I do love you"

"About time you admitted it," Kihyun said and I stood up "Are you ready?"

I nodded and took one quick glance at Jimin "Yeah...I'm ready"

"You don't have to do this" Kihyun said as I got to him "I can do this. You can stay"

"No," I said "We are in this together. I'm not letting anyone convince me otherwise"

"Ok," Kihyun said "He should be here soon. Get ready because he won't be coming alone. His lackeys will be around and they won't hesitate to kill us"

"Then let them try," I said and we headed to Mr Parks old office. I picked the lock and we went inside, scanning the place "No one has been in here since he left"

"Do you blame them?" I said stepping behind the desk "They don't appreciate him trying to kill off Jimin"

Kihyun scratched his neck "I didn't have you down as a girl to get hickeys"

My hands quickly covered my neck "Yeah? Well, shut up!"

"Don't get nervous," Kihyun said "You should see me. I mean, Yoongi is worse"

I smiled "You'll miss him"

"I know" Kihyun shrugged "But it is what it is. But it's fine because you are here for me and I am here for you. We'll learn to move on or at least forget how much this is going to fucking hurt"

There was a beep from my phone "He's here. Get ready"

Kihyun quickly stood behind the door and I stepped into the shadows by the window, knowing I wouldn't be caught, getting my knife ready. The door clicked open.

"You two with me," Mr Park said "Don't turn the light on. I don't want to be killed with ease. This deal is very important to me"

"Yes sir" 

The door closed and Mr Park stepped behind his desk. Kihyun nodded and he grabbed the first lackey, killing him instantly. The other guy was near me, so I buried the knife into his neck and held my hand over his mouth, covering his screams.

"Mr Park," Kihyun said putting a gun to the guy's forehead "It's been a while"

I stepped towards him and held the knife to his throat "Drop your weapons"

Mr Park let out a nervous laugh "I should have fucking known it was a trap"

"Drop. The. Weapons" Kihyun said calmly "I won't tell you again"

Mr Park dropped his guns to the floor and I kicked them across the room and shoved him into his seat. I switched on the desk lamp and he finally saw our faces.

"Well would you look here" He chuckled, "I thought having your parents bodies sent to your doorstep would mean you'd leave me alone"

I smiled "You thought wrong"

"Do you think that you will escape after you kill me?" Mr Park grinned "I have the place surrounded by my men and they will shoot anyone that leaves"

"We are willing to die," Kihyun said "After we kill you of course"

"Bee, would you really kill me? After all, I am the father of that boy you love"

I grabbed Mr Park's hand and pinned it to the desk "You are no father"

Mr Park screamed as I sliced a finger off "You bitch!"

"Look at these faces," Kihyun said showing him a picture of our parents "You killed these people because you were scared of them"

"I wasn't scared of those fuckers!" Mr Park yelled, drool dripping from his mouth "I should have killed the whole fucking family!"

"Here comes the cavalry," I said and I stabbed my knife through his hand, and into the desk underneath "I want you son to see you die"

"Look at this photo, Mr Park," Kihyun said, and then stabbed his other hand to the desk "These people you killed were our parents. Killing them was a mistake, Mr Park"

"Open the door!" I heard Namjoon yell "Who the fuck is in there?"

"Do you see the children standing beside them?"I hissed "Well, take a good look, Mr Park because they are the ones that are going to take your worthless life"

"Open the door!" Jimin yelled.

"Fuck you!" Mr Park yelled, "Get in here and help me!"

I grabbed hold of Mr Park's face "Look at us while we kill you, Mr Park. These are the last faces you will see before we cut your life short"

Kihyun twisted the knife in his hand and he yowled in pain "I want you to scream Mr Park. I want you to realise that you made a big mistake in killing our parents"

"Fuck you!" Mr Park yelled, "I'll fucking kill you!"

The door was kicked open and Jimin ran in, wearing his boxers and holding a gun.

"Bee. Kihyun" He said, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Shoot them Jimin!" Mr Park yelled, "Fucking shoot them!"

Jimin looked torn and his friends didn't know what to do.

"Mr Park," I said, and I pointed the gun at Jimin "Stick your tongue out and Jimin...drop your weapons"


"If you don't, I will shoot you," I said, not looking at him "Good. Now kick them over here"

Kihyun picked the guns up and stuffed them into the bag on his back "Mr Park, stick your tongue out"

He didn't and Kihyun yanked it from his mouth, took a small knife from his pocket and sliced through it.

An ear-piercing scream echoed through the house and I punched Mr Park as hard as I could.

"If you carry on moving I won't hesitate to shoot you Jimin," I said, and they stopped moving, "I think you should all get on your knees and put your hands on your head"

They did as they were told.

"Bee, why are you doing this?" Jimin asked, "Baby, what are you doing?"

"Shut up" I hissed and I calmed my voice down "Just...shut up"

"Count yourself lucky Mr Park," Kihyun said, dropping the tongue to the floor "What you did to our parents was much worse"

Kihyun took over pointing the guns at the boys and I looked at Mr Park.

"Look at our faces," I said quietly "I hope that when we reach hell to join you when it's our time, you still fear us"

"Say goodbye to your son Mr Park," Kihyun said and I pulled my gun out and pressed it against his eye, Kihyun doing the same.

"Goodbye Mr Park" Kihyun and I said in unison and we pulled the trigger.

His Bodyguard [[PJM]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now