Historical Reference

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For readers interested in the historical aspects of this story. Facets are added onto in alphabetical order, and this chapter will be updated as more things are added.

Benedict Arnold

Benedict Arnold was a high-ranking officer in the Continental Army

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Benedict Arnold was a high-ranking officer in the Continental Army. During the war, he was known as the hero of the Battle of Saratoga, where he was wounded, but ultimately gained a major, decisive victory for the patriots. 

Caleb Brewster

Not much is known about Caleb Brewster. We know that he was one of the main couriers for the Culper Ring, rowing to and from Long Island for information for Benjamin Tallmadge. He was also a whaler.

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is one of the most famous of founding fathers

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Benjamin Franklin is one of the most famous of founding fathers. He was the oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence, and a key figure in the revolution. He was also a famed renaissance man: he was a philosopher, an inventor, an entrepreneur, and many other things during his lifetime. 

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton was one of the youngest founding fathers, and a true example of the American dream

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Alexander Hamilton was one of the youngest founding fathers, and a true example of the American dream. He rose from nothing to graduate from King's College (now Columbia) in two years, became the aide-de-camps for General Washington, and would eventually become the first Secretary of the Treasury and founder of institutions such as the national bank.

Benjamin Tallmadge

Benjamin Tallmadge was the officer in charge of the Culper Ring, one of the most successful spy rings in American history

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Benjamin Tallmadge was the officer in charge of the Culper Ring, one of the most successful spy rings in American history. He was a graduate of Yale, where he met the man credited with being the first American spy, Nathan Hale. After Hale's death in 1776, it was determined that they would need a better way to spy on the British than the conventional one they were used to. Benjamin Tallmadge would become the man to create that network, one that was filled with dead drops, secret codes, and many other devices that would be used for years to come. 

George Washington

George Washington was the General of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States

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George Washington was the General of the Continental Army and the first president of the United States. He got his start in the military as an officer in the Royal Army during the French and Indian War, where he would make a few disastrous mistakes that would shape his leadership style for the rest of his life. He was chosen as the leader of the Continental Army in the early days of the revolution, and would lead the army to victory using unconventional tactics. He was unanimously chosen to be the first president of the United States, and would serve two terms before giving up the position to live out the rest of his life in his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia.

Setauket, Long Island

Setauket is a small town on Long Island in New York State

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Setauket is a small town on Long Island in New York State. This was where the Culper Ring was based during the war, as it was close to where Benjamin Tallmadge was stationed while still being occupied by the Royal Army.

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