Chapter Twenty-Six: New York, New York

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Their first stop the next morning was to the home of someone named Hercules Mulligan. Ophelia had never heard of him, but it seemed that Robert had a... strong opinion of him.

"Why do you have to involve that bastard in this?" Robert asked as they ate breakfast the next morning.

"Language," Sally warned from the wash basin, where she had started doing the dishes.

"I really don't get what your problem with him is," Abraham said. "I know that you think he's going to bring down the entire network, but why do you feel that way? He hasn't done anything that would even suggest that."

"He's a braggart, for one thing," Robert said. "It's only a matter of time before he gets drunk at a bar somewhere and tells everyone around him that there's a network of spies in New York and Long Island that are slowly trying to bring down the occupying army. And how long do you think he'll last under interrogation? He acts like a big tough man, but mark my words, Abraham: when it comes down to it, it won't be an hour before he names every single person in this network. And where would that leave us?"

"Who is this Hercules character?" Ophelia asked Sally as Abraham and Robert continued to argue.

"Hercules is... well, he's a character," Sally said. "Sorry: I don't really know quite how to describe him. I guess you'll find out soon enough, though."

"Yeah," Ophelia said. "I guess I'll find out."

"Don't worry about it," Sally said. "He won't bite. Not unless you deserve it."


Hercules Mulligan's shop/home was close to the docks, and was filled with British soldiers when they arrived. Just like Robert, though, he didn't seem like that bothered him. From the moment Ophelia first saw him, she knew what sort of man he was: flamboyant, boisterous, the kind of person that tended to draw people into his circle of friends like a moth to a light. Even as they walked in, his booming laugh rattled through the old house, as if the man he was talking to had just told the funniest joke in the world.

"Oh, captain: you're really too much!" He laughed, smacking his hand amiably against the soldier's shoulder. "You take care: we'll have your order done in no time, at all."

The captain left the store, along with his entourage of men. Emptying the shop of British soldiers.

He turned to them, next, and smiled broadly. More so than before, as unbelievable as that might have been.

"Well, if it ain't Abraham Woodhull!" He grabbed him in a hug, one that was strong enough to crack Abraham's back. Loudly. "What brings you here? Just can't get enough of me, can you?"

He looked back at Ophelia, and she couldn't help but feel that she was next. "And who's this? Don't tell me you've managed to find a woman willing to put up with you, kid!"

"Nope," Abraham wheezed. "Ophelia, here, is married. To somebody else. She just works with us."

"Ophelia? Don't suppose the lucky boy's Hamlet?" He put Abraham down, then offered his hand, that same smirk on his face. "Hercules Mulligan, clothier extraordinaire, at your service."

"Ophelia Stroud." She shook his hand.

"Ophelia Stroud," Hercules repeated. "Tell me: how does a nice young lady like you end up working with a scraggly bunch like us?"

She didn't quite know what to say, but luckily, Abraham beat her to the punch. "Old childhood friend of Ben's with a bone to pick. Just like the rest of us. Other than you."

"And Robert," Hercules said. "Does he still hate me?"

"Do you expect him to not?"

"I guess that's true," he said. "Still, a man can hope, can't he?" He leaned forward. "Tell me: what brings you to New York? It's a long way to travel for a friendly social visit."

"Because we're here for business," Abraham said. "We're hoping to take care of the friend you and I discussed last time I was here."

"Intriguing proposition," Hercules said. "This isn't the best time or place to talk about this. What do the two of you say to dinner later tonight? Robert's invited, if he can stand to be in my presence long enough to have dinner."

"We'll be there," Abraham said. "I hope you won't be offended if I don't even bother with asking Robert."

"Not at all: I figured it was a long shot," Hercules said. "I shouldn't even have any of my royal army associates around: we'll make a whole evening of it."

"Sounds like a deal," Abraham said. "When do you want us?"

"Around six o'clock," Hercules said. "I already want in, but I want to hear your plans so I can make them better. And by make them better, I mean almost certainly completely replace them."


Hello, one and all, and happy Wednesday! You guys are halfway through the week: congratulations. 

First of all, I have some housekeeping items. First one: you guys will be getting an extra chapter, today! Why? Because this one's really short, and I'd feel guilty about not giving you guys a little extra...

Second: you guys might be seeing a little less of me in the next week or so. I already announced this on my profile, but I've got a major test coming up, and I really have to buckle down and study if I want to pass it. I'll try to keep posting chapters, but if I don't already have the update ready, the odds are, you won't be seeing it, this week.

I'll be doing the dedication on the next chapter, so stay tuned: more excitement coming your way, today :D

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