Chapter Six: Norwalk, Connecticut

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Ben knew from the moment he saw the stupid look on Caleb's face when he walked in that he was up to no good.

Ben knew the expression, of course: it held a special place in his nightmares. It was a look he'd seen in his childhood, and it always meant he'd gone and done something stupid. He would walk over to wherever Ben happened to be, some kid he'd roped into his antics trailing behind (usually Abraham), and he would tell his tale of delinquent shinanigans. And how they needed the ever respectable Ben Tallmadge to get them out of trouble, again.

Of course, though, that was back when they were kids, when the biggest trouble they could get into involved getting a switch to the backside. But, this was war: getting into trouble could mean someone getting killed.

"What did you do?" Ben asked, putting down his papers.

"Why do you always assume I've done something wrong when I come and visit you?" Caleb asked, acting all innocent. "Can't I just come and talk to my old, childhood friend?"

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Caleb, I'm going to ask you one more time: what did you do?"

"Alright, alright: but I promise you, it was a good thing I went and did," Caleb said, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Take a guess."

"I'm not in the mood for guessing-"

"Oh, fine!" Caleb said dramatically, tossing his hands in the air. "You always want to ruin my fun, don't you?" He sat down at the seat on the other side of the table/desk. "We've got a new friend over in Setauket."

A new friend? That could only mean one thing.

"Who?" Ben asked.

Caleb leaned forward, smirking. "You remember Ophelia?"

"Oh, for God's sake!" Ben dropped his papers on his desk.

"What?" Caleb asked as Ben stood up, slicking his hair back with one hand. He actually seemed confused, as if he couldn't understand why Ben was upset about this. "I thought you'd be happy about this."

"Why would I be happy?" Ben asked. "I'm just fine with getting Abraham involved, even Selah and Anna, but why did you have to go get Ophelia into all of this?"

"You make it sound like I put a gun to her head," Caleb said. "Which I didn't do. All I did was ask her if she wanted in, and after thinking about it for a day or two, she said yes. Is that so wrong?"

Ben sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You still like her, don't you?"

Ben froze. "W-what? No, I-"

"You like her: don't even try to deny it, Romeo," Caleb said with a big, toothy grin. 

"Why didn't you say Hamlet?" Ben asked.

"... Who?" He scratched the back of his head. "Well, that ain't the point. The point is, you're not over that childhood crush of yours."

Ben didn't say anything. Mostly because he... kind of worried that Caleb was right.

"Whether or not I still have those... feelings isn't the point," Ben said. "Ophelia's got a little kid, and her husband isn't around. What do you think is going to happen to her child if she gets caught?"

"If who gets caught?"

Ben groaned. "Alexander-"

"Don't try and tell me that it's some matter of security or something," Alexander said. "You know how many letters I've written on the general's behalf to you regarding your little group?"

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