Call me Crazy - Chapter Six: Operation Zoe

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A/N: This is dedicated to Sesa36 because she is a great fan and stuck around to continue reading my work, even though I know it isn't the most coolest story on wattpad but she still reads on. If you get what I mean... I'm not good at thanking.

Call me Crazy

Chapter Six: Operation Zoe

     I didn’t even have to walk to my house door to know that no one was home because: a) there weren’t the sounds of something smashing in the kitchen; b) I couldn’t hear anyone listening to rock music; c) no shouting.

                        Instead of taking out my mobile to text my mum or Zoe, I decided to try and live my life without them. Now, I thought, where to go?

                       Normally, I would say hi to my neighbours, who fortunately for their case… deaf. They used to be a couple living in the house on our right but when they split up their marriage, the ex-wife moved to our left. I don’t think that’s a good idea if they really want to ‘move on’. And no, they’re not old: they’re around their thirties and still very young looking. Though they’re as mature as old people, I suppose.

                       Funnily enough, the main thing they fight about these days is who could get Zoe’s attention. They practically love Zoe from the day they’ve put their eyes on her (when they were still together).

                       Thinking about Zoe, I guess I should go and find her. She’s probably with those ‘no good friends’ as mum calls them. I personally think that her friends can’t be that bad if they hardly talk. All they do is listen to their iPods and walk around acting like ‘creeps’ or so people in Zoe’s year call them.

                         I hate stereotypes. Say no more…

                         It only took about ten minutes of walking to get to my destination – the Dead End (which basically is the ‘dead end’ of a street area. The only special thing about it is that all of the Goth/Emo/scene kids go there.) I expected Zoe to be there but she wasn’t.

                         I looked at the road for cars and ran across it. I sort of expected a school kid to point out to his/her mum and complain that the girl over there doesn’t follow the road safety rules. Good old days, good old days… I miss being all cute and small and getting whatever I wanted.

                         “Hey you!” I shouted out, waving my hands in the air like a madman (madwoman). About three kids turned to look at me with their eyebrows raised, all of them friends of Zoe. I continued running to them, not bothering about how ridiculous I looked in a school uniform and calling out to the ‘freaks’ (according to Zoe’s year).

                         “Hello guys,” I said when I was standing with them in the circle, “Have you seen my sister Zoe?”

                         “Which part?” a girl asked me, smirking. She had who had dyed pink hair, wore black skinny jeans and a rainbow coloured t-shirt. Goth rainbow if I add which consists of black, red, purple and dark blue. I sighed and looked at the other two. They were all girls but one had a headscarf.

                         “Do you guys even know Zoe?” I asked, annoyed. “Well, she’s Goth and she’s well,” I gestured her height a bit slightly taller than I was, “And she’s well this is width,” I gestured with my hands that she was a bit only the skinny side. I looked up at their faces and found them all smiling for once. Geez, I knew from Zoe that her and her friends wouldn’t smile unless it really amuses them, which means when someone mentions something homicidal just to creep out the others.

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