Together (Jasico)

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      Nico was in his bed. Whishing he could disaper.

     Whishing he could just die.

     Whishing he didn't tell Percy Jackson.

      Why am I so stupid? He thought. Why did I tell him how I feel about him? Before he told Percy, his friends knew about how he used to feel about him. Everyone knew but Percy  and Annabeth......


     He thought it wasn't even possible to hate someone as much as he hated her. He hated they way Percy looked at her and didn't look at him like that. He hated how Percy was all hers and was not his. He hated how much Percy loved her and didn't love him.

      I'm sorry Nico. I just don't love you the same way. I-I love Annabeth instead, I'm really sorry.

      Nico hated Annabeth. He hated her.He hated her. He hated Annabeth. Why couldn't Percy love him instead. Nico relized that he was punching the wooden bed frame and that his knuckles were starting to bleed. He didn't care. He wanted to feel real pain instead of emontial pain.

      We didn't want to be stuck in his mind, he wanted to be in the real world. And the only way to do that was to feel physical pain, He kept punching the wooden frame. He punched it, and punch it.

      He forgot about Percy. He forgot about Annabeth. He forgot about how everyone was afraid of him. He just forgot everything. He was in the real world. The real world gives you real pain.

      Nico thought that feeling real pain was better then feeling the emotinal pain that Percy left him. He kept punching the wood frame.

      Just then the door open and Hazel came inside the canbin with Frank. Nico forgot that Hazel was coming late from Camp Jupiter, but that didn't stop Nico from puncing his hand. His hand that was already bloody and broken. He just kept punching.......

      "Oh my gods, Nico stop!" Hazel yelled ''Nico your hurting yourself.'' She ran towards him and took his arm that he was punching into the wood. He yelled in pain. It hurt, but it hept him in the real world.

      "Nico why are you hurting yourself?" Hazel asked. She looked like she was on the edge of tears. Seeing her brother hurt himself and not knowing why he was so sad.

      Why is he so sad? Why can't he be happy? Please...... She prayed I want him to be happy, I will do anything for my brother to be happy.

      Seeing Hazel sad made Nico feel teriable. He was a terrible for making his sister sad. He didn't want her to share the same pain he felt. One child of the underworld deserverd to be happy and that was Hazel. Nico never wanted her to be unhappy and right now she looked sad, and Nico knew it was his fault for making her feel that way.

      Nico couldn't help it he broke out in tears. He was misreable, he didn't want to be misreable, he didn't want the only person that he loved who loved him right back to be misreable either because of him.

     "Your hand, it's broken...." That was the only thing that manage to come out of her. "Frank, can you go get the first aid kit from Jason?'' Without saying anything he left to go get it.

      "Nico why are you hurting yourself? Please tell me." She pleaded. She wanted to help, she wanted to know why here brother was in so much pain, she wanted to help him. Then she relized something. Nico said that he was going to tell Percy how he felt about him. Percy was one of Hazel's best friends, but if he hurt Nico's feelings, if he made Nico hurt himself.........

      Let's just say he was going to have a lot of percious in his thorat.

      "Did..... did you tell Percy?" Nico was in Hazel's lap, shaking and crying uncontroably. He nodded holding his broken hand tovhis chest. "What did he say?" "Its to painful to talk about it'' He said. ''But he wasn't mean about it, I'm just mad at myself" "Why are you made at yourself?" Hazel asked.

      "Hazel just leave, I'm making you sad, I don't want to make you sad.'' "Well to bad" She replied ''I'm not leaving until you tell me what made you hurt yourself!'' She yelled in tears.

      "Nobody likes me!" There was a pause of silents.

      "Nobody likes me......." He repeated. "Nobody wants me, everybody thinks just that creepy Son of Hades, and that's what Percy probably thinks of me too. He thinks I'm that creepy Son of Hades who has a crush on him.''

      Hazel didn't say anything. Hazel just took Nico and held her brother in her arms. She started to cry and put her face in her brother's hair. Nico started too cry too.

      His tears was because nobody wanted him.

      His tears were because nobody liked him.

      His tears were because Percy didn't want him.

      His tears were because Percy didn't love him.

      This is was Childern of Hades were sopuse to feel. They were sopuse to feel pain, wheiter real or emotinal. So Nico cried and Hazel cried.

      And so there were two childern of the underworld crying in emotinal pain.





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