Chapter 7

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Jason was sleepy.

He was staying in Nico's cabin, to make sure that Nico didn't hurt himself.

Jason didn't know why but something about Nico made Jason want to protect him. Maybe because Nico was going through a tough time and needed someone.

Or maybe because of Piper.

Sometimes Piper would have these random breakdowns, and he would try to help his Beauty Queen, but for some reason she would run off. Making him feel like a bad boyfriend.

So this time he was determine to make Nico feel better. He would make Nico feel better.....

Nico jumped up from his sleep with a terrified look on his face, while making Jason terrified also. "Nico what's wrong?" Jason worried.

"What are you doing here?" Nico was socked in his own sweat. Shacking from absolute fear. "Remember I said I was going to stay with you. When I was bandaging you up."

"Y-you were suppose to leave when I fe-feel asleep." Nico stated. "I know but I didn't want to leave you by yourself." Jason said.

"Wh-why? Because I'm some depressed Emo freak that can't take care of myself?" "Nico you tried to take your own life and tonight you cut yourself what am I suppose to do?" Jason started to choke up.

No I won't cry. I don't cry.

"Leave." Nico mumbled.


"I said LEAVE." The Son of Hades yelled. "Just leave me alone. Can't you see your not making things better for me." Nico was in tears. He was heartbroken. He was trying so hard not to fall for Jason, but every time Jason came to help him. He would fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

"Okay, I'm going." Jason said. He headed towards the door and exited, but before he fully closed the door he heard Nico sob.......

"Why can't you see I'm falling in love with you....."


Again sorry If it was short. I really wanted to update this today.

So I will make sure that the next update is long.

Thanks for the reads and the votes.


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