Chapter 11

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Jason was walking over to Nico's cabin.

Whatever he did to the Son of Hades he was going to apoligizes. He didn't want Nico to be uncomfortable around him.

Jason actually wanted Nico near him......

He could see the Hades Cabin in veiw, but he coudn't take one more step before he saw Frank carring a bloody, laughing, dying boy in his arms.

"No. Nico......" Jason took of in the direction of Nico. "Frank!" He yelled. Frank turned his head to Jason's voice and ran to Jason.

They finally reached each other. "What happened." Jason asked panting. Jason examen the laughing boy in Franks arms.

He gasped.

He saw his nam craven in Nico's skin multiple times and in different locations around both Nico's arms. "I will get him to the infirmary you go get Hazel." He picked up Nico into his arms, and ran to the infirmary.

Nico was laughing like a madman. "Nico where almost there, just hang on, okay? Hang on for me...."

Jason was running as fast as he can. He was going to save Nico. He will save Nico.


"Ow!" Both Jason and the person he ran into said. Nico got thrown into the ground and was still laughing like the fall didn't even hurt him. "Jason?"

Jason turn to see Piper staring right back at him. "What happened to Nico? And why does he have your name written all over his arms?" Piper asked, Nico kept laughing "And why is he laughing like a crazy person!?"

Jason scoped up Nico in his arms and returned his stare at The Daughter of Aphrodite. "Why would you care?" Jason spat. "Because he is dying of blood lose dumb ass!"

"I will tell you once we get Nico into the infirmary." The both of then kept going until they finally got there. After the war Camp Half-Blood started expanding. The infirmary was almost like a full scale hospital now. "Help! Someone please help us!" Jason yelled.

Then all a sodden a group of Doctors and nurses cam to get Nico. Once the laughing dying boy was token away it was dead silent in the waiting room.

"Jason...." Piper said softly, "he is going to be okay.....there is no need to cry."



Okay im going to go to sleep its like 9 30 over here......


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