Chapter 6

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Nico came out of the bathroom with aching arms.


15 cuts on each arm, 30 in total.

His blood was dripping on the floor as he went to the desk to get band-aids. His cuts started to ache and throb rapidly. It hurts so much. Nico thought.

For once he wasn't thinking about Percy. He wasn't thinking about Jason. He didn't even think about his sister Bianca.

He just thought about how much his arms hurt and how much he wanted to curl up in his bed and take a long nap, with no dreams.

Nico grabbed the band-aids that were left to him by his friends and sat down to put them.

But he couldn't. His hands were shaking and he shivered at the site of his own blood.

Nico cried. He couldn't take it anymore, his arms hurt. The cuts hurt. "Why couldn't I taken my life? Why did I had to cut myself instead." He cried. Nico curled up and stayed like that for what seemed like eternity.

He heard the cabin door creak open. "Leave me alone!" Nico shouted. "Nico your hurt." A voice belonging no other to Superman himself. "I kn-know. I did it to myself, and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed ever single minute of it." Nico spat out.

"Okay. Just let me help you, please?" Said Jason softly. "Why would you want to help me?" "Because you're hurt." Replied The Son of Jupiter.

"Your an ass!"

"I know I am." And with that Jason went over to the boy that was covered in his own blood and bandaged all 30 of Nico's cuts.

*****Wibbly Wobbly Time Lapse*****

Annabeth was on the beach with Percy.

She sat on his lap and had her head on his shoulder. Annabeth ran her hand up and down on Percy's chest.

"Do you have a six pack?" She moaned. "Wanna' find out?" He asked seductively. She let out a little laugh.

"Annabeth you can find out later, I got to talk to you." Piper said behind her.

She jumped, surprised to see Piper hovering over them. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough for my eyes to hurt at the sight of straight people." Replied Piper. "Percy leave we are about to have a girl conversation."

"Fine, but after dinner your mine Wisegirl."

"Sounds good. You won't be needing your clothes by the way." Annabeth said. The biggest grin played on Percy's face as he left. "Agh! You guys straightness makes me want to punk!" Piper said.

"Shut up! What the hell do you want to talk about?" Annabeth asked. "Oh yeah right. So I was walking with Reyna down the hill before she left to go back to Camp Jupiter. We um...... took a detour, to you know kiss..."

"Make out."

"Whatever... then the repair boy came strolling and saw us."

"Crap. What did you tell him? Did you tell him what really happened....?"

Piper didn't really cheat on Jason with a guy. Piper, Annabeth, and Percy made the whole situation happen on purpose. It started when Reyna and Piper started to hangout with each other. They usually talked about random things, but then they started to really bond.

Something changed in Piper. Her heart always leaped with joy whenever she was around Reyna. When Piper would have one of her break downs Reyna always knew what to do to make her happy again. Reyna made her happy.

Reyna made Piper a better person.

"No. I didn't tell him what really happened."

"Well I know Leo and nothing will stop him from going to tell the others. What is Jason going to feel like if Repair boy tells him and he discovers the truth? Jason is going to be shattered." Said Annabeth.

Piper was now staring blankly ahead thinking about what to say next. "I never mean't to hurt Jason. I never mean't to hurt him. All I did was fell in love with Reyna."


Okay, so comment here if you like the story so far and if you have any ideas to make it better.

Also thanks for reading!

Sorry if the chapter wasn't good I was kinda rushing it so I can update as quickly as possible.

So that's all I got to say besides Elephants can fly.



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