Chapter 15

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Jason was running around his cabin trying to find every item that he needed for camp Jupiter. "Be honest do you think Hazel is going to bitch slap me the second she see's me." Jason asked Piper and Reyna who were lying on his bed, Piper playing with's Reyna's hand. "Count on it Grace." Reyna said.

Jason put one last pair of jeans in his bag, then started going through it to make sure everything that he needed was in there. "Jason you know we don't have to leave right away, we can go tomorrow." said Piper. "Yeah there is no need to rush." Reyna said. Now Reyna and Piper were a little closer to each other. ''No I have to get there as soon as possible, he needs me."

Something drop next to Jason on the floor he picked it up to see it was a pack of cigarettes. "Hey Piper." Jason called. "Yeah." Piper moaned. "Jason looked behind him to see that Reyna was kissing Piper's neck and that Piper was upbraiding Reyna's hair. "Oh my god." Jason yelled. They both stopped making out and looked at Jason. "Would you two stop making out on bed, I'm going to have to burn it now."

"Why? you hate homo's." piper asked on the edge of laughing. "I am one dumbass." Jason said. "Well people can't take their hands off me I'm just to good." Now Reyna was in a fit of laughs, which was unusually because anytime they got caught she would turn red and keep some distance between her and Piper. "Yeah more like you harass people"  Jason snorted. "Shut up and finish packing will ya'" Piper said defensively.

Once Jason finished packing he headed out of his cabin with Reyna and Piper. All he was thinking about was how he wanted to get to Nico as fast as he could. He hadn't seen Nico in a year, and there wasn't one moment were he did not think about him.

That was all he could think about.


"Why do you always have to hurt me?" Nico asked. Jason was hurt he didn't want to hurt Nico anymore. "I didn't mean.....I don't want.....Nico please." Jason was in tears now. At that moment all he wanted was Nico, the only thing in the universe was Nico.

But Nico didn't want him.

"Jason," Nico started, "I never want to see you again." His voice wasn't angry, he didn't shout or yell. Nico voice was soft and sad. "Nico I-" "I don't want to see you." He said again.

He looked at Jason. Jason's eyes were filled with tears, you could see that he was breaking inside. That's what Nico wanted. Someone to feel his pain, someone to be heartbroken, someone to have no hope anymore. "If I leave....will that make you happy, will you be happy." Jason asked. "Yes..." Nico said even though it killed him inside to say it.

"Okay." Jason left, and that was the last time they saw each other.

**********no more flashback**********

"Jason, are you sure you want to go right now we won't get there til' one in the morning." Reyna said. "If Piper needed you won't you be there right away?" Jason asked. "No." "Wow. Love you too Reyna." Piper said. "When did you start calling Reyna by her name? I thought you called her sexy thing." Jason said.

Reyna, as usually, began to blush. "I do not!" Piper yelled. "You keep telling yourself that." Jason mummerd. "I have other names for my girlfriend, that you do not need to know." Piper said. "Like what?" "Would you two stop!" Reyna said. "Sorry my Chickenfish." Piper said in a babyish voice and wrapped her arms around her. "And this is why I won't come to your aid right away." Reyna mummerd.

The three of them were at the edge of the camp ready to get in Reyna's car, when.... "Wait!" Someone yelled, they all turned around to see who it was. It was Annabeth. "Annabeth!" Piper yelled at ran up the hill to meet her. You could see them hug, and start a conversation. Jason turned to Reyna who was staring deadly at Annabeth. "Jealous."Jason smirked. Reyna turned to Jason for a brief second then back at Annabeth.

"Maybe. It doesn't help that your girlfriends friend is more pretty then you." Reyna said coldly. "Don't worry Piper really loves you." Jason reassured her. "Well sometime it doesn't feel that way, sometimes I think she might just be using me, you know."

"Look Reyna," Jason put his hands on her shoulders, "Piper loves you a lot. I can tell, when I was with her she always had this sad look in her eyes, she would go through mental break downs, and there was nothing I did that helped her. But then you came into her life and she lost that sad look in her eyes, you make her happy."

Reyna's eyes started to tear up. "Thank you." She said her voiced cracked. Jason hugged her "Thank you for making her happy." Reyna laughed "You sound like your her dad or something." "I'm going to say over protective brother, because sometimes I swear she is an annoying pest." They both started laughing.

Jason didn't realize he was still hugging Reyna when, "Grace!" A very pissed of Piper came trolling down the hill with Annabeth at her side. Jason let go of Reyna and waited for Piper to come to the bottom. When she got there she went right up into Jason's face.

"You do not hug my girlfriend." She said in a deadly tone.

"Gottcha." Jason replied trying hard not to laugh at Piper's over protectiveness over her girlfriend.

"You do not touch my girlfriend."

"Okie dokie!"

"I saw how you were touching her and feeling her."


"I can only touch my girlfriend, and next time you hug her longer then 10 seconds I will hurt you.....oh and another thought. Just don't look at her okay?"

"I'm not going to take your girlfriend..... little sis." Jason teased. Reyna started to laugh, and Piper played along. "Good big..... brother." The three of them started to laugh while Annabeth was standing there in confusion. When they stopped laughing Piper turned to Annabeth. "We should probably get going. Jason wants to be there as soon as possibly."Annabeth looked disappointed. "Okay well have fun," she hugged Piper and started up the hill, "text me on the trip." "I will!" Piper called back.

Piper looked at Jason. "You look happy." She pointed out. Jason smiled he felt happy.

He haden't felt this way in a long time.


Shalom!!!!!!!! That's what they say over here.

QOTD: Is Percy and Artemis actually a ship, is this a thing, do people actually ship them.

If you or someone else you know ships them tell me. I want to know if this is ship.


P.S. I UPDATED TWICE TODAY!!!!!!!!! BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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