Something Sharp

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Nico was tired. Nico was in pain. Nico was sad. Nico was empty. Nico didn't want to live anymore......

There is no reason to live anymore Nico told himself. Everybody saw him as a freak. Nobody loved him. Nobody needed him. Hazel had Frank so Nico knew that she would be okay if he were gone.

"Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me." He said to himself. "Nobody loves me. Nobody needs." He kept repeating it to himself over, and over, and over.

And over. Until he stopped, stood up, and wobbled over to a desk. Something inside was calling him.

Something sharp. Something that could cut. Something that could kill. "Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me." The Son of Hades kept saying wobbling to the desk. He got there and pulled out something sharpe.

Something that could kill......

A knife.

He smiled coldly, like a madman, and headed towards the bathroom. The last place he will ever see.

Each stop he took Nico thought of it as an escape from pain. Emotional pain. He got closer to the bathroom repeating "Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me." Over and, over and, over.

He was so close. He was so close to escaping. He just had to keep walking.

"Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me." Over, and over, and over. He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly. The door opened.

He was so close now. The Son of Hades was so close to escaping pain. He looked at the knife that would help him escape. "Something that could kill." He mumbled.

"Nico don't." A voice said behind him. He stopped wide eyed.

Nico was so close......

"Wh-why are you here? Wh-who are you?" Asked Nico. "Well it's just me Jason, and I came to check up on you." The Son of Jupiter replied.

"You didn't need to do that. You could have stayed in your cabin." Nico still had his back facing Jason. "I kind of did. I'm glade I did actually."

Nico's grip on the knife got tighter till' his knuckles were white as snow. "Y-you should leave n-now Jason. I'm fi-fine, thanks for checking up on m-me." "I'm not leaving." Jason said. "Wh-why not?"

"You need me......I need you." Nico was in silence. Somebody needed him But nobody needs you. Why would Jason Grace need you. Something at the back of his mind told him.

"Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me." Said Nico quietly.

"The person who told you that is an asshole, and should tell them to get a life." Jason said in a matter of fact voice. "Nico can you please turn around?" "Why?" "Because I want to see you."

Nico didn't understand why Jason would want to see him but he didn't agree. He turned around slowly and faced Jason. "That's better!" Jason walked up to The Son of Hades and put his on Nico's shoulders. "Give me the knife."

"Jason you don't under-understand. I don't w-want to live anymore." Nico started to get teary eyed. "But.......I can't.....I can't let you-" "Give.Me.The.Knife."

Nico gives the knife to Jason. "I'm keeping this."


"Can I hug you?"

"Okay." Jason brings Nico into his arms and holds him. Jason holds The Son of Hades. "Nobody loves me. Nobody needs me." Nico said one last time for today.

"Stop saying that. I need you."

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