Chapter 10

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Nico was in bed. Carving Jason's name on his arms.


He wrote Jason's name on his skin 5 times.

"Oh Jason. Why must you be so handsome......" He said to himself. Nico usually talked to himself now and days. He rarely left his cabin.

"Your so perfect Jason, but you will never fall for me because you still love Piper."

Soon Nico ran out of space on his forearms "Where can I put your beautiful name now Jason?"

Then the door opened and Frank popped his head inside the cabin. "Hello Nico, who are you talking to?" Frank said as normal as possible. "Myself." Replied Nico casually.

Frank stepped in some more where his foot was the only part of him outside the door. "How do you feel?" "Sad."


"Because I ran out of places to cut Jason's name on my forearms." Frank swooshed over to were Nico was sitting. He witness a blood soaked bed and Jason's name cut in small and big letters. Nico has gone absolutely insane. Frank thought.

"Frankie Wankie I didn't know you had a twin." Nico said then laughed like a madman.

"Oh crap." Frank mumbled. He didn't even think about it, he scoped up Nico in his arms and rushed out of the cabin with the dying Son of Hades.


Another update, YA!!!!

This has to be a record for me updating three times in the same day.


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