Chapter 5

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Leo burst into the cabin with excitement and sweet. All eyes landed on him. In the room was Jason, Hazel, Frank, and even Nico.

After the War things changed. Piper cheated on Jason, Annabeth and Percy only spend time with each other, and those three ditched them and started to hangout without them.

It only left the five of them.

"Leo what happened?" Asked Jason. "You won't believe......I just saw...... they were-"

"Woah....calm down and take a seat." Frank pointed to the chair. Leo took a seat and started to calm down. "Are you better now?" Frank asked.

"Yep! Now guess who I saw making out in the forest!" Leo said with much enthusiasm. "Piper and some dude...." Jason hissed. Nico looked at Jason with sad eyes but then quickly moved back to his sleeves.

"Your right and your wrong!"


"It was Piper but it wasn't a dude. It was a gal. It was Reyna!" Leo almost shouted.

"What?" They all shouted in unison surprised at what Leo said. "This conversation just got interesting." Nico said. "But don't tell her or anybody else because I promised that I wouldn't tell a single soul." "Then why are you telling us?" Hazel asked.

"Because I don't give a crap." They all started to laugh, except Nico who just gave a little smile instead.

"We have to investigate this." Hazel stated "Guys follow me, we're going to do a little detective work." They stood up and headed towards the door "Nico you coming?" Leo asked. "No I'm fine. I will just go back to my cabin now."

"Okay......" "Wait for me. Give me one minute." Jason said. He walked towards The son of Hades and whispered something in his ear. Then left with Hazel, Frank, and Leo.

*****Wibbly Wobbly Time Lapse*****

Nico was in the bathroom......With something sharpe.

Something that was covered in blood.

It hurt. It hurt so much, but it helped him forget about his problems. It helped him forget about Percy..... and Jason.

Jason helped him. Jason saved his life when he was going to take it away. Jason stayed with him that night and held The Son of Hades. Jason told Nico that he needed him over and over. Until Nico feel asleep.

Nico was falling for Jason.....but he didn't want too.

What if he breaks Nico's heart like Percy did. What if he ignores Nico like Percy is doing. What if he doesn't love Nico like Percy does.

"Agh!" He shouted. He was feeling emotional pain now, and he didn't want to feel that. So he took the knife and made two cuts on each arm.


He had 12 cuts now, one on each arm, and all 24 of them hurt. The thing was it made Nico a little bit happy on the inside.

That's what scared him the most. That he was happy with hurting himself.

It made him feel sick and twisted.


Hello friends!!!!!!

You know when your writing an authors note and you have no idea what to say..... ya it's that kind of moment.

But I shall say thanks for reading and stay AmaZhang!


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