Two Broken Boys

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Jason was in bed. Thinking.

Thinking about life. Thinking about Camp. Thinking about Piper......


She left him. Piper left Jason. She cheated on him and went with some stupid guy.

How could she leave me after the nights we spent together. He thought. I thought that we were going to be together for the rest of our lives.......

Jason wasn't going to cry. Jason didn't cry. "Then why do I want to......?" He asked.

Nobody answered......but there was a knock.

Every time he heard the door knock, Jason always imagined Piper on the other side. Wanting to take him back. Wanting to be with him forever.......but it was never her.

Jason got up, and this time without any hope that his Beauty Queen was outside his door. He opened the door and there stood Frank.

"Hey Jason." Frank greeted. Jason just stood there willing himself not to cry. Any time he was around anybody the urge to cry almost happened. So he preferred to stay by himself, in his cabin.

"How are you holding up?" Frank asked. Jason thought about this for a second and decided to chose his words very carefully.

"Like a donkey's ass." Jason replied back to Frank. "Well that's better from last weeks answer when you said a Elephants ass."

His friends were always dropping by to make sure he was okay, but they usually didn't come at 11 o'clock.

I'm not that depressed......not yet. Jason thought. "Why are you here? I don't need you guys to check up on me every- every sing- le hour." Jason was starting to choke up and the tears threaten to flow down his face like a river.

"Dude relax." Frank put his hands on Jason's shoulders. "No need to cry. I'm not here to check up on you, I just came to ask if you had the......."first-aid kit"."

"Did Nico......" Jason's voice trailed off. "Yep. Just like we predicted."

In the beginning of the month Nico said to Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Leo that he was going to tell Percy how he felt about him. They knew that Nico was not the most stable demigod ever. They most likely knew that Percy was not going to love Nico back, and that Nico was going to hurt himself in someway. They really didn't want Chrion to know about it so they got there own first aid kit.

"I will go get it and I will come with you to Nico's cabin.''

****Wibbly Wobbly Timy Lapse****

Jason and Frank opened the door to Nico's cabin to reveal a shaking sobbing Son of Hades, and a in tears Daughter of Pluto.

They silently approached the two crying teens. "Hi Nico," Jason said as quietly as possible.

"How are you feeling?" Frank asked. They all turned their heads to his direction and starred at him. "Elephant's ass, got it."

Jason gently sat down next to Nico with the first aid kit and took Nico's bloody red hand into his to examine. "You broke your hand, we need to fix it" Jason stated plainly.

"NO!" Nico yelled. "Don't fix it. I deserved it for being a worthless piece of crap." "Stop saying that!" Hazel yelled then broke down in tears on the floor. She looked heartbroken and absolutely scared.

"Frank take her to your cabin for the night." Jason said. Frank helped Hazel off the floor and held her as they both walked out the door.

Jason turned to Nico and started to work on his hand in silents. Soon Nico was in tears again. It was really heart shattering seeing him cry. Seeing him lose all hope. "Why are you sad?" Jason asked. He knew the main reason why Nico was sad but he thought he might want to talk about.

"Why doesn't he love me Jason? Why can't he love me like I love him?" Nico asked in tears.

Why can't the person you you back? Jason thought to himself.

''I don't know Nico......I don't know.'' Jason let a single tear escape onto his cheek.



Im going to work more on my Jasico fanfic.

That's all I'm going to say for right now BYE!!!!!!


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