Chapter 3

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I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about my childhood and how happy I was.

Remembering the good old days without knowing I would end up like this.

I had it all.

I had a family that loved me and money and friends. Now I have nothing. I have foster parents that don't even care for me or wonder where I am.

I stand up from the bed and walk to the window, I pull the curtains up a little and I can see a big moon tonight and right next to it, just one star.

I feel goose bumps to think about how silly I was and crazy too.

I start to remember the nights I used to dance on the garden, laugh while seeing him dance with me.

I smile at the memory that comes to my mind but then it fades away because I remember him promising me he would never leave me and here I am, all alone.

As my thought of confusion continues I hear the door open and I jump a little scared.

-You don't sleep that much, doctor Emmanuel? – I ask trying not to laugh from jumping like that.

-Please don't call me that. – He says smiling and I notice he is clearly uncomfortable with the name.

-How can I call you then? – I ask standing in front of him.

-Well, pick a nickname; anything you want, but please don't call me 'Doctor Emmanuel'... it's too formal. – He informs me.

-Um, I'm really not good at nicknames. – I say looking at my long sleeves again, pulling them to my hands.

-I can see you're wearing you clothes again. – He says awkwardly trying to change the subject.

-Yeah, I hope that's okay, I really don't like the 'white thing'... it reminds me of... - then I stay quiet looking at this small town lights.

-Of what? – He asks curious and I was really hoping he didn't.

-Of the lunatic. – I finally say with a big breath, like if somehow I kept it for a long time and it was time to let it out.

-You want to talk about it? – He asks in the nicest tone I 've ever heard and for once I don't feel like I'm angry at the world, the way he asks things and tries really hard to make me feel confortable are actually working.

I smile looking at my hands and then at him, - there's not much to talk about. I was there for 5 years, had to take 5 pills everyday, I had a room for myself for the first 2 years cause they thought I was dangerous but then they moved me to a room full of girls... - I paused for a second because the memory is way too heavy, - they didn't talk much, in fact, one of them tried to suffocate me with my pillow in the middle of the night but um... luckily and randomly actually, one of the windows iron tubes got lose and it kind of jumped and hit her on the head and she died instantly. They blamed me for it until cameras proved that it wasn't me but they didn't care, they transferred me again to a room by myself for another 2 years where I constantly spent my days thinking of a way to die. – I say and when I hear the silence I'm shocked.

I was being honest with someone I barely know.

He stares at me and once again, not with eyes of pity but love (If it really is what I think it is) because honestly I only seen it in the movies and why would someone that just met me would love me.

-Anyway, can I stay with my clothes? – I finally ask to break the silence.

-Not really but, it can be our little secret. – He says and the goose bumps appear again, he sounded just like...

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