Chapter 6

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We sat there for awhile. Then Dominic decided we should go home.
We bike up a small hill.

I'm always at my lowest when I'm lonely and right now, I've been at a war with myself for a long time. I'm not sure if I should wave the white flag or ask someone for help. I know they will listen, I'm just not sure anyone would understand. Dominic and I got home. We put our bikes in the garage, walked into the house and I slammed the door behind me. No one said, 'Hello Ben! How are you?' Or 'Hey Ben, how's your grades?' No said anything to me because no one cares about me.

Mom came running over in her yellow and green floral shirt.*
"Where have you been?" She ran her fingers over Dominic's face looking for scratches.

"We went to the park. " Dominic said.

"Tell me next time. "  Mom tells that to Dominic -a lot. If I were to not tell her something she would get mad at me. She didn't even notice me.
My life is not perfect or how I would like it to be but I still live it. I ran up to my room and emptied all my contents out of my backpack onto the floor. I scrambled around on the floor for my notebook and found my pencil. I sat there against my bed with my notebook in my lap and my pencil in my hand. I started to write.

A life lesson.
Life isn't fair for any of us,
I guess that's what makes it life.
Life will beat us up,
Throw us down,
All that matters is how we handle that.

Dominic ran into my room. "Wanna watch the news?"

"Sure. " I got up and went to the living room.

Why do 14 year olds watch the news, well I'm asking the same question. When you have no life this is what you do. We watched it for a few minutes.

"Well, the Queen's long lost son is still... well, lost." I feel pity for her but then again if you are a royal, you should have guards that are always watching where your kid is going.

"Yeah. What if he was always here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like what if he was here sitting under our noses? What if we went to the same school as him?"

"I don't think that would ever happen. "

"You sure?"

"I mean, I don't think so. "

"I feel bad. "


"Because Berlin doesn't have a heir and that part of this country will just die"

"Oh. That's true. "

"We're screwed. "

"Well... you're not wrong. "  I shrugged and got up. I got my journal and pencil then sat down on the couch. I started to write again.

She's lost without you,
She hopes you are too.
She's crying,
The world is buying.
She's in distress from your absence,

Dominic looked over my shoulder.
"What does 'she's crying, the world is buying' mean?"

"Basically she's crying and the world feels pity for her. "

"Oh like damsel in distress ?"

"Um. Yeah. "

"Dude, why doesn't she just get her younger son to be king?"

"He's too young. He's like what? 14? He can become king when he's 16 but it's the first son's birth right to be king. The TV said he's turning 16 on April 5, which is coming up soon, that's why everyone is panicking ."

"You right, you right."

I never finished my poem. That night we went to sleep around 10 pm. I laid in my bed and I thought about my day. Hopefully Saturday will be better.

*view image. Image is of the Mother's shirt.

This story takes place in a weird alternative America where it's divided into three sections, Berlin, Toronto and D'Jerome. Each section is ruled by three different kings and queens.
Lol hopefully I did a good job explaining that.

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