Chapter 36

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She picked me up at 5 am on Saturday. Her back seat was full of bags of cheez it's and a six pack of sourns. Sourn's is a non alcoholic drink that is full of carbonated sugar. I haven't had one is such a long time. I remember I used to crack a cold one with my best friend, Arden. I miss Arden a lot.

I hid in the back seat of the car. Ben got in the car. He sat with his headphones on and blasted music. He fell asleep when we got on the interstate. Half way into the car ride I fell asleep. At 10 am we were at the most beautiful place in the country, London, Baffle.

We were in front of a beautiful castle and Ben was still sleep. We parked outside the royal gate and I woke him up.

"Rise and shine." I took his seat belt off of for him.

He opened one eye and blinked twice. He couldn't believe I was there. "Oh" He looked over at Cassidy. "Why is she here?"

"Because, she's my friend."

"What? Why is she your friend? She's a anorexic hoe." I felt something inside of me snap. My soul disappeared. I felt not a single drop of mercy. I guess that's what it feels like when you have no love and your heart grows cold. Something happened it never happened before. I looked in Ben's eyes and I saw everyone that ever hurt me in my life. People who bullied me, pushed me into lockers, body shamed me, he reminded me of all of them. I was a angry. I tensed up. I said what I've been meaning to say for awhile.

"You." I picked him up by the shirt and threw him out the car. Suddenly, my skinny arms were strong. "You, type of people are the reason why I don't eat. You type of people are the reason why people are depressed. You, Benjamin, are the reason why people like me have trust issues. I trusted you, did you trust me? You just turn around and treat me like dirt? I will not tolerate that anymore. You are the reason why I have a cold heart. You abuse my mind and it deteriorates in my hands and I can not do anything about it. Do you what it feels like to watch yourself break apart piece by piece? Do you find happiness in my pain?" Silence. "That's what I thought. People like you are two faced little monsters that don't deserve any love."
I threw a purple envelope at him.
"If I ever see you again, I will make sure you never have children." I got in the car and Cassidy drove off.

I never saw that butt head again.

Will S. P. Whitman return?

Author note
Hahaha this story is really bad I'm sorry.
It's almost done though.

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