Chapter 7

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  Today is Saturday. It was very boring but at 3:30 on the dot, Dominic intrudes my day. "Ben, you should meet that new girl. "

"Mm, I'll think about it." I already knew the answer in my head, it was no. I guess Dominic already knew my answer too.

"No. We are going."


We walked out the house and over to our neighbor's. Dominic rang the bell. A girl about 5'3 answered the door. She has long light brown hair. Her dark blue eyes shined like diamonds.* She's pretty. She looks like one of those girls that would space out, whose mind is far away from here and looking for closure. I like her face. She looks beautiful but at the same time fierce.

"Hi? " She was confused.

"What school are you going to?" Dominic bombarded her with the question.

"What happened to what is your name? I don't even know you." She sassed Dominic.

"What's your name?" I gave in and asked her.

"I'm not going to tell you. " Why? This woman is crazy. It's not like I'm going to be an identity theft and steal her identity, or am I? Mmm Nah, too much work.

"What do you want to be called?" I tried again to get her name. She smiled as she shut the door.

"DUDDDDEEE!" Dominic hit me and laughed. I sat there like a fool that had just been rejected.

"Man. Shut up!" Dominic laughed even harder, which made me laugh.

He talked through his laughter. "Two times in a row you've been rejected. "

"I hate you. " We both laughed. I'm happy I have a brother like him. Sometimes I think he's in life just for comical relief.

*view image. Image is of the girl's eye.

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