Chapter 21

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The next week she sat and ate lunch with me. She started the conversation. "Do you want to eat dinner at my house, at 6?"

"Um. Sure? I'll tell you if I can't make it."

"Do you have a number?" She ate nachos even though she has a problem with food.

"Yeah but I got my phone taken away."

"Oh. Dang what you do?"

"I can't remember. "

"Oh well. We can have dinner at my house. Um. Bring your brother" She's totally into him. "and wear something cute. "

"Define cute?"

"I think it when guys wear red or a hoodie and like that take it off. " She gawked. "Ugh. It's so hot. "

Just like you? I felt like questioning. I have to go to Kay's to get a *red hoodie by 6 pm. Kay's is this really nice store full of probably anything you can think of. Blake Power's wife, Kaylen created her own store named Kay's. I bet their family is rich as the queens of Baffle. I bet Kaylen can buy her way into being a queen. She's pretty enough to be one, maybe she has the leadership of one.

**image is of a red hoodie from Kay's

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