My Prince Pt 2 (Edited)

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*Recap of the last chapter of The Prince*

N-2 days have past and Justin is finally revealing his new husband!

J-Hi as you guys know I picked 50 people and 1 of them will be my husband!

J-So I am now revealing that the person I am getting married to is ...


T-(It won't be me and I know it! It will be someone else! Like who wants me I am just a guy who has lots of friends but barely hang out with and a boy with no life. I just know it isn-) *gets interrupted*

J- Tyler Justin Jr. Brown/Tyler Brown!

T-Wait what ho-how?!

Btw this was on the news

News Reporter-NP

NP- Justin what was the reason why you picked Tyler Brown out of all the other people?!

J-Well when we well when I was interviewing him we accidentally touched hands and I felt something that I never felt with the other 49 people and not even Raegan!

NP- Are you sure you picked the right person and do you love him even though you just met?!

J- I am very very sure I picked the right person because it felt like I have known him since forever and I think I am falling in love with him every single day he is always in my mind and I can't get him out of my head! It also feels like the half of me is gone when I didn't see him for these past few days well these 2 days so yes I am very positive that I picked the right person!



J-I know that you are watching this Tyler so please go to my castle tomorrow!


T-Umm I-I-I am speechless😐

Tyler's Mom-TM (Samantha❤️)

TM- Tyler your getting married to Justin Blake the Justin Drew Blake😱

TM-  And you are only 16! I am fine with it because I will support you like I supported you when you told me you were gay! I also knew that you had a crush on him because when you were watching the news 3 days ago I knew that sigh was a sad sigh! I love you and don't forget that!❤️

T-Thank mom I love you too! And I didn't think it was that noticeable😐

TM-Tyler I am your mom I know everything about u even if u don't tell me I know the looks you give and what they are saying even if you aren't saying anything! I know everything about you because I am your mom the person who created you!❤️

T-I know mom and I love you soo much I can't believe that I even have you as a mom! Your the best mom anyone can ask for!❤️

TM- Awww thank you Honey well you better go to sleep now you have school tomorrow and you have to met Justin tomorrow after school too!

T-Thank you mom letting me know I almost forgot but thank you for reminding I love you so much! See you later mom❤️

TM-See you later Tyler!❤️

T-Oh mom?!

TM- Yes?

T-Can you tell Chris and Brody goodnight from me too!?

TM-Of course honey goodnight!

T-Goodnight mom!

*Next morning at school*

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