My Prince Pt 6 (Edited)

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Let's just get into the story! Hope you enjoy


J-I have to go find Tyler *tries getting up*

J-Argh*falls back down the bed because of the pain in his side*

N-You have to stay here for a few days to heal I am sorry Justin!

J-No I have to go find Tyler now!

N-No Justin, you have to stay here I am sorry *walks out the door and locks it*


*A few days later*


*A few days later*

No One's POV

These past few days after Tyler passed out his mom found him with blood everywhere and see's Tyler passed out an hour later after she told him to go up to his room to rest up so she rushed him to the emergency room. The thing is that it is the same hospital where Justin was in. Tyler had been in the emergency room for 2 days passed out while Justin was in a different room! Justin has been worried sick because he hasn't heard or seen Tyler since he said he didn't know him. Justin could get up now but was still in pain but not as much from 2 days ago. Tyler in the other hand hasn't woken up yet for the past 2 days due to the blood loss and how deep he cut himself. Tyler also cut one of his vain which was also a deep cut which was also a problem for the blood loss. Tyler's mom, Samantha has been with him for the past 2 days but went home to check on Chris, Brody and her husband and also to take a shower. Samantha was very worried and didn't know he cut himself nor how long he has been doing it so she was scared of what would happen to him! Everyone else has been wondering what happened to them after the wedding! Some have been worried some think they are fine! Who knows what happened except for Tyler and his mom. Well, let's get into the story!

Samantha's POV

Tyler has been in the hospital for 2 days because of how much he lost blood and how deep the cut! People have been wondering and wondering what happened to them in these past few days but we never told them because this is very personal. I have been with Tyler for these past 2 days worrying if he is ok or not but I know he is ok I just hope he wakes up sooner than later!

Justin's POV

For these past few days, I have been wondering what happened to Tyler because I haven't seen or heard from him which makes me scared. But in these past 2 days, I could walk again which was good but it would still hurt. The same nurse who has been there since 2 days ago has been with me and told me to try and walk around the hospital which is what I am going to do today. I am very excited to start walking again because I hate the hospital so I am excited for me to get out and see Tyler and ask for forgiveness because of what I said! I have been very lonely these past 2 days because I haven't seen him. It hurts thinking about him because every time I hear or think of his name makes me worried about what happened.

J-*Turns the T.V on and goes to the news*

N-After the wedding incident, no one hasn't seen or heard from Justin nor Tyler. Everyone hopes they are doing fine and that Justin would recover from the shot. For all we know is that Justin got shot in the side and had to go to the hospital. Unfortunately, we don't know which hospital we also haven't heard from any of there family member's which is scaring most of the people. Everyone just hopes they are ok and safe. Thank you for watching and we will try and keep you updated.

J-*Turns the T.V off and gets up to walk around the hospital*

No One's POV

Justin has been walking around the hospital for about 30 minutes slowly making progress which he was happy about. All of the sudden he saw someone familiar and went closer to them to find out it was Tyler on the bed while Tyler's mom, Samantha was sitting in the chair next to him!

Justin's POV


What happened to Tyler? I am so worried and scared. I have to go ask his mom.

J-Samantha what happened?

S- Oh um hey Justin glad to see you walking and doing better well you see um well Tyler here he was here 2 days ago.

J-Wha-What happened?*tears start forming*

S- Umm well I see you got your memories back but um remember when you said that you have never seen or heard of Tyler before. You know how he ran away?


S-*Has a hard time explaining to Justin* Well um basically um Tyler he came home. I found him knocking on the door rapidly and um crying I asked him what was wrong um and he said that um you didn't remember him.

J-Ya wh-what else?*tears rolls down his face*

S- So um I told him to go upstairs and rest up.*starts crying* And um about an hour later I-I went to go check on him a-and um...

J-Samantha what happened?! *more tears roll down his face*

S- I see Tyler there with blood a-around him a-and I look and se-see tha-that his a-arms a-and th-thighs h-had ver-very de-deep c-cuts he al-also h-had c-cut o-one of h-his va-vains deep so he l-lost a lot o-of blo-blood*starts crying more* H-he al-also ha-had mo-more th-than 5 cu-cuts i-in ea-each a-arm a-and th-thighs.

J-Wha-what?*drops to the floor and cries more and more and more*

S-I am so so soo so-sorry Justin! I-I nev-never kne-knew he c-cut nor ho-how lo-long he ha-has bee-been doing it.

J-It is ok Sam-Samantha! B-but how long h-has he be-been here?

S-*calms down to talk normally* He was here 2 days ago. And hasn't woken up since then. The doctors still don't know the reason he hasn't woken up yet though.

J-Can I be alone with him for a little while?

S-Ya sure Justin.*walks out of the room*

J-Hey Tyler! How have u been? I know you can hear me but you can't reply because I guess you in a small coma. I am so sorry that I said I didn't know you and I hated these past 2 days without you. *grabs Tyler's hand* I hope you wake up soon because I miss you! I wanna see your beautiful smile again and wake up to you every morning! I smile every-time I see you and I hate not being able to see your beautiful smile across your face. I love you so much please wake up soon.*looks down as a tear drops on Tyler's hand*

J-*feels Tyler's hand twitch*


J-*gasp* Tyler? *smiles*

Ooooh, another cliffhanger ooooops. It's about to get good really fast. Heh heh sorry, I didn't update yesterday but new update!😁 Hope you guys liked this chapter!


This chapter has 1286 words!

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