First Kiss?! Pt 5 (Edited)

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IT'S JYLER'S 8TH MONTH JANSSJSNSJ! Anyways ooof as you can see I am starting to post more again! I really want to get to My Prince 2 ksnsjsn! Oof I hope you enjoy!❤️👌😂

J-Yes I am serious! He has been my best friend since we were babies! I basically know everything about him and he knows me more than I know myself! Actually, he was there for me when I changed myself! The only reason why I changed to a bad boy was that I was getting bullied! But now the person who is getting bullied is him! He doesn't deserve it! So yes I don't deserve him!

JA-Blah blah blah I don't care anymore*walks away*

J-*shrugs and looks around seeing students around him* What are you looking at? Go away shoo!

*Everyone goes away*

*Goes to check on Tyler*

J-Hey Ty-*gasps*


J-*See's Tyler on the ground passed out*

J-Ty-Tyler?*tears rolling down his face*

J*falls down right beside him shaking Tyler*

J-*picks Tyler up and brings him to the nurse's office*

*Nurse's office*

J- Mi-miss Anderson p-please he-help me*keeps crying*

MA-Wha-what happened Justin!?

J-We-well um I-I wa-was

MA-Wowowow hold up! Take a deep breath and try calming down Justin!

*5 mins later*

J-*Calms down*

J-Ok so um this morning Jade went up to me and Tyler and then Tyler told me he will go to the bathroom! After like 5 to 10 minutes I went to the bathroom to check on him and I saw him laying on the floor passed out! I didn't know what to do so I started crying and then went to you!

MA-Ok thank you for telling me, Justin! But this is very serious! We will have to bring him to a hospital! I don't know why he passed out but the hospital will so I have to call the ambulance Justin.

J-Oh um ok*looks down*

MA-*Calls 9-1-1*

J-*looks up* Oh um Miss Anderson!

MA-Yes Justin?

J-Can I go with Tyler?

MA-Unfortunately you can't I am sorry Justin but you have classes to attend too!

J-Please Miss Anderson? I promised his mom that I will always be there for him! And I don't want to break it*looks down with a tear rolling down his face*

MA- Ok fine only because I know you are a good kid even though you are known as the "bad boy of the school" I know you have a good heart and I can see you really care for him! But why is that if you don't mind me asking?!

J-Well Tyler and I have known each other since we were babies basically! We made a promise to each other to always be there for another! He was there for me when I changed to a bad boy because of me getting bullied! He always understand's me and even if I lie to him he knows that I am! He isn't a fake friend like most of the kids here at school! But with me, he is caring, funny, lovable, and all those things! It hurts me seeing him hurt or sad!

MA-Awww that is such a cute story but well the ambulance is about to come and I told them that you are going with them so imma give you a pass and go to the principal's office and explain to him! You have about*looks at the clock* 10 minutes to explain since the nearest hospital is far away from here! *hands Justin the pass*

J-Thank you so much Miss Anderson!*smiles at her and runs to the principal's office*

J-Hello Mr. Cesaer!

MC-Hey Justin! What can I help you with today?*lays back on his chair*

J-Um so today I was talking to Jade she was talking bad about Tyler and then Tyler told me he will go to the bathroom and then 5 mins later I went to the bathroom to check on him then I saw him on the ground passed out*starts crying but calms down* But um I brought him to the nurse's office and she said that he has to go to the hospital!

MC-Oh my I hope he will be okay! But why are you here?

J-Well I was wondering if I can go with him!?

MC- Justin you can't go you still have school!

J-Please Mr. Cesaer! I promised him and his mom to always be there for him!*tears start rolling down his face*


J-Please I am begging you!*tears keep rolling down his face*

MC-Ugh fine but promise me one thing, Justin!

J-Thank you and what is it?

MC-Well since you have been failing most of your classes you have to actually try and study!

J-Ok Mr. Cesaer and thank you so much!!

MC- No problem Justin now go!

J-Thank you again*exits out of his office and runs back to the nurse's office*


Hey, guys so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and once again IT IS JUSTIN AND TYLER'S 8TH MONTH YASSSSS!!!! But this chapter has been shorter and the reason why is because I haven't been feeling good today! I will try to make it longer for the next chapter! I love you guys all so much!❤️


This chapter has 925 words!

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