My Prince Pt 7 (Edited)

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No Author's note on the top today! Just have a great day and enjoy the new chapter!❤️


J-Can I be alone with him for a little while?

S-Ya sure Justin.*walks out of the room*

J-Hey Tyler! How have u been? I know you can hear me but you can't reply because I guess you in a small coma. I am so sorry that I said I didn't know you and I hated these past 2 days without you. *grabs Tyler's hand* I hope you wake up soon because I miss you! I wanna see your beautiful smile again and wake up to you every morning! I smile every-time I see you and I hate not being able to see your beautiful smile across your face. I love you so much please wake up soon.*looks down as a tear drops on Tyler's hand*

J-*feels Tyler's hand twitch*


J-*gasp* Tyler? *smiles*


Justin's POV

J-Omg Tyler your awake*tears in his eyes*

T-Ya and um I guess you found out.*looks down*

J-Hey it's ok! I am just glad you are okay*lifts up his chin*


J-Hey I will be right back imma call the doctor and your mom!*still smiling and stands up*

T-*grabs his hand* no don't leave me!

J-*see's the hurt in Tyler's eyes* I will be back I promise*smiles and walks away with a little pain in his heart because of seeing Tyler with pain in his eyes*

J-Hey Samantha, I have some good news!*Smile's*

S-Oh hey Justin what's the good new?

J-Tyler is awake!


J-Ya you can go check on him while I call the doctor for you!

S-Thank you Justin!*Hugs him* I am very happy you chose him because he changed his attitude and you two are true love I just know it!

J-Awww thank you Samantha well I better get going so I can call the doctor!

S-Ok Justin be careful!

J-I will!*starts walking up to a doctor*

J-Hey doc!


D-Oh hey Justin I see you are doing great! What can I help you with today?

J-Well you know who Tyler Brown is right?

D-Of course! What about Tyler? Is he doing fine?

J-Well Tyler woke up so I went to you to tell you that he has woken up and that he is doing fine!

D-Oh thank you, Justin, for telling me!*starts walking to Tyler's room*

J-No Problem Doc*starts walking to his room*

D-Oh and Justin.

J-Yea*turns around*

D-Since you are doing fine you can go home tomorrow!

J-Thank you for telling me Doc!

D-No Problem Justin!

Tyler's POV

I am kinda sad that Justin never came back but he has to rest so I am fine with that because I want him to rest. All I know is that Justin has been in pain for the last 3 days and I feel bad for him. I am so disappointed in myself for letting the voices get to me but I couldn't control it. I found out that I cut one of my veins really deep which was bad but I am alive which is good!

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