My Prince 2 (Edited)

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AHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S HERE MY PRINCE 2 IS HERE JSNSJNS. Anyways I hope you enjoy this! Also I will be adding songs that will go with the story so please play the song while reading!



J-*Tears roll down his face while smiling* I love you*hugs Tyler*

T-I love, you more*hugs back*

P-That was some very beautiful speech boys!

T&J-Thank you!

P-Well anyways do you, Justin Blake, take Tyler Brown, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us?
I had to search it up😂

J-I do!

P- And do you Tyler Brown, take Justin Blake, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us?

T-I do!

P-You may now kiss the groom!




*A few months later*

J- Hey Babe?

T- Ya?

J- Imma go to the store do you need anything?

T- No I'm good but thanks for asking!

J- OK babe! *kisses Tyler*

T- *kisses back and pulls away* Bye Jay!

J- Bye see you later babe! *walks outside*

Tyler's POV

I don't know why but I have a bad feeling. Eh, I can just ignore it.

*A few minutes later*

*Hears the door open*

T- Hey Ju- *turns around and is terrified*

R- Hello Tyler! Nice to see you again *walking up to Tyler*

T- Wh-what are you doing here Raegan *backing up against the wall*

R- Oh you know to get revenge *pulls out the knife*

T- *shocked and tears start forming in his eyes*

R- Oh look the baby is crying well sorry to let you know but this is the time you die *goes right for Tyler's stomach until he heard the front door open* Your lucky but not as lucky *stabs the knife onto Tyler's stomach*Until next time *leaving out the backyard*

T- *starts balling not being able to move because of how shocked he is*

J- Hey ba- *see's Tyler's bloody stomach and shirt* Omg what happened? *goes over to Tyler dropping the groceries*

T- *can't talk because of how terrified he is*

J- Are you ok Tyler? *tries to keep the tears in*

T- *Looks down and see's his arm and passes out*

J- Tyler? *looks at the past out Tyler* Tyler? Baby?

Justin POV

What happened here when I was gone? But right now I need to rush Tyler to the hospital.

J- *stands up with Tyler in his hands and goes to the car putting Tyler in the passenger seat*

*A few minutes later they arrived at the hospital*

J- Doc help anyone help *going inside asking someone for help*

D- Justin what are yo- *looks down to see a passed out Tyler in Justin's hand with blood all over his arms*

J- Doc please help *as tears go down his eyes*

D- Of course Justin but what happened? *as he calls some nurses to help*

J- I don't know! I just came home the store when I saw him with blood on his stomach and him being horrified that he couldn't talk. Then a few minutes later he passed out *as tears roll down his face and place Tyler down on the bed*

D- Ok Justin! We will get right to it don't worry ok. He will be ok!

J- Thank you doc!

D- No problem Justin!

Narrator's POV

Hold up hold up let's pause it right there for a sec! Before we get into the story more let me tell you what happened in the past few months! So after Justin and Tyler got married they moved in together in a mansion near Justin's castle and near Tyler's old house. They also have a dog named Mika and they love her a lot! They basically have their own little family. Anyways there life has been great but Justin and Tyler haven't been keeping up with social media! People especially there fans have been wondering how they have been. For the past few months, they have been moving into their new home and has still been learning more about each other. They rarely go outside because they know that people would start questioning them of why they haven't been keeping up with there fans and social media. The only time they go out is if they feel like it or they have to buy something. They have staffs around the house because of how big it is but they don't have any security (Which is pretty dumb). Well, that is all you need to know now let's get back to the story!

Tyler's POV

I passed out and all of a sudden I can see my own body in Justin's arms. He is trying to talk to me but I don't answer. Is this how it feels to be a ghost? How can I go back? Am I stuck like this? *Hears Justin and listen's*

J- Tyler? Tyler? Baby?

T- *See's Justin and tries talking to him* Justin! Hunny? Can you hear me? *See's Justin get up and carry his body to the car but follows*

*Arriving at the hospital*

T- See's Justin going to the doctor asking for help and listen's to the conversation*

J- Doc help anyone help *going inside asking someone for help*

D- Justin what are yo- *looks down to see a passed out Tyler in Justin's hand with blood all over his arms*

J- Doc please help *as tears go down his eyes*

D- Of course Justin but what happened? *as he calls some nurses to help*

J- I don't know! I just came home the store when I saw him with blood on his stomach and him being horrified that he couldn't talk. Then a few minutes later he passed out *as tears roll down his face and place Tyler down on the bed*

D- Ok Justin! We will get right to it don't worry ok. He will be ok!

J- Thank you doc!

D- No problem Justin!

*see's Justin sitting down in one of the chairs*

T- Justin? *tries to hug Justin*

J- *Feels something and looks around but thinks it's just the air*


CLIFFHANGER HAHAHAHAHAA I haven't done those in a while jsnjsns! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter even after what happened! Welp what happens happens jsnjsn.

Instagram: Slay_jyler_4_ever

This chapter has 1086 words

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