History (Edited)

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Hey guys! So I got motivated to actually make a one-shot depending on my mood jsjssjnsj! Well, I hope you guys enjoy this! (If your wondering how I thought of the title is from History by 1D)


Justin's POV

It's been about 5 months without seeing him and I'm dreading more and more every day. I miss him so much and I regret everything I did and said on that day. I just wish I could go back to that day and stop myself from saying that to him. I'm just glad that I went back or it would've gone worse.



J- Hey Ty. We need to talk

T- Oh hey um ok. Where do u wanna meet up?

J- Um I'm outside your house so just open the door.

T- Ok.

Tyler's POV

I am confused. What does Justin wanna talk about? I'm so scared right now.

*opens the door*

T- Hey Jay. *goes to the side to let Justin in*

J- *goes inside* Hey Ty. *Looks at Tyler and leads him to Tyler's couch* I don't know how to say this but um.

T- What is it, Jay? *looks worried*

J- Um well *looks down* I think we should break up. *with a tear rolling down his face*

T- Wa-wait what? Why? *with a tear rolling down his face*

J- I just feel like we don't have the connection like we had before. And we aren't as close. We hang out like we are best friends not as a couple. *Not looking at Tyler*

T- I- *not looking at Justin with tears in his eyes* I'm I- *gets up and runs upstairs*

J- Tyler *tries to run after Ty but gets stopped with Tyler's door locked* Ty please open the door*

T- Pl-please just le-leave me *stuttering while crying hard*

J- Ty p- *gets cut off*

T- Please Justin just go I don't need more pain *starts crying more*

J- I'll see you soon *goes downstairs and leave's*


Tyler's POV

I can't believe it. Justin broke up with me. I will alone and useless as if I'm nothing in this world.

T- *goes to the bathroom and locks it*

T- *sits down with a razor in his right hand*

T- *cuts himself 10 times in both his arms and thighs*

T- *grabs his phone and texted Justin saying*

T- Hey Jay. I knew you would break up with me sooner or later. I'm just a worthless piece of shit who no one loves. I'm a nothing in this world and maybe I'll be gone sooner or later. But just know that I will love an always love you. See you soon Justin.

T- *sends the message and lays on the ground with blood surrounding him while softly crying and starts falling asleep*

Justin's POV

I can't believe I did that. I feel so bad. But it was for the best. Our relationship isn't healthy and we just act like best friends. I just hope he is ok- *gets cut off hearing a ding from his phone*

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