My Prince2 Pt2 (Edited)

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Heyoooo guys I AM BACK FROM MY BREAK! I HOPEY Y'ALL DIDN'T MISS ME TOO MUCH WHICH IS TRUE BECAUSE I AM LONELY AF!!!!! Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! And also if you are all wondering why I have one shot's in between is because I like doing one shot's if I feel like it so my story will be like that! I will basically be taking breaks by making one shot! One more thing if you guys want me to continue the one of your favorite one shot's just commented down below and give me some ideas so I can continue it! Also, I am very sorry for not updating in a while but yall know why. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! And don't forget I love you all! <3



*Arriving at the hospital*

T- See's Justin going to the doctor asking for help and listen's to the conversation*

J- Doc help anyone help *going inside asking someone for help*

D- Justin what are yo- *looks down to see a passed out Tyler in Justin's hand with blood all over his arms*

J- Doc please help *as tears go down his eyes*

D- Of course Justin but what happened? *as he calls some nurses to help*

J- I don't know! I just came home the store when I saw him with blood on his stomach and him being horrified that he couldn't talk. Then a few minutes later he passed out *as tears roll down his face and place Tyler down on the bed*

D- Ok Justin! We will get right to it don't worry ok. He will be ok!

J- Thank you doc!

D- No problem Justin!

*see's Justin sitting down in one of the chairs*

T- Justin? *tries to hug Justin*

J- *Feels something and looks around but thinks it's just the air*


Tyler's POV

What's wrong with me why can't I touch Justin and why can't he see me?

Justin's POV

Huh, I felt something but I don't know what it was. Eh, I guess it's just the wind.

*A few minutes later*

D-  Hey Justin!

J- *Stands up and faces the doctor* Hey Doc! How is Tyler?

D- He is doing good! The stab didn't go deep enough for him to die but for him to be put in a coma for a short amount of time. It may last a few hours or a few days!

J- Oh *as a tear tries to escape his eyes*

D- Hey may have lost a little bit of memory but not as bad to the point where it is permanent!

J- Thank you for telling me doc! *slightly smiles*

D- Would you like to go visit him? *smiles*

J- Yes, please!

D- Ok! Follow me *starts walking to Tyler's room*

J- *follows the doctor*

*In Tyler's room*

Tyler's POV

While I was thinking to myself hearing the next few sentences made me sad knowing I might not remember Justin.

J- *Stands up and faces the doctor* Hey Doc! How is Tyler?

D- He is doing good! The stab didn't go deep enough for him to die but for him to be put in a coma for a short amount of time. It may last a few hours or a few days!

J- Oh *as a tear tries to escape his eyes*

D- Hey may have lost a little bit of memory but not as bad to the point where it is permanent!

J- Thank you for telling me doc! *slightly smiles*

D- Would you like to go visit him? *smiles*

J- Yes, please!

D- Ok! Follow me *starts walking to Tyler's room*

J- *follows the doctor*

Starts following them until he gets stopped by someone being in front of him with light in the back of the mystery person.

T- Who are you? *tries to look at the person more clearly*

Mystery Person- MP

MP- *steps in front of Tyler*

T- *gasps* Grandpa? *starts tearing up*

G- Hey Ty! *smiles and hugs him*

T- *Omg grandpa! *hugs back with a smile on his face*

G- *releases from the hug* How are you?

T- I am good! What about you?

G- Great as I will ever be *looks at Tyler with his hands on Tyler's shoulder* Listen Ty you have to go back!

T- What why? I don't want to though! I don't wanna leave you. I don't want you to leave again *as a tear rolls down his face*

G- I'm sorry Ty but you have so many things ahead of you! I promise we will see each other again! I will always visit you in your dreams I promise! *smiles at Tyler*

T- But here is way better than in earth Grandpa!

G- I know it is but you have your family down there and you have a husband to love and care for! Don't you want Justin to be happy?

T- Of course! But how do you his name is Justin? *gets confused*

G- Tyler I am in heaven! Of course, I know!

T- Oh. But grandpa I wanna be here with you!

G- But you love Justin! And he loves you! I know if you die he will be miserable! Just look at him Ty *looks down*

T- *looks down and see's a crying Justin by his side*

G- He is miserable just from you not waking up! Imagine him knowing that you died! He won't be his own self-everyone loves!

T- *looks at his feet* But I don't want to leave you!

G- Tyler like I said I will visit you!

T- Oh ok Grandpa *as a tear rolls down his face*

G- Ty just know that I love you ok *as he wipes Tyler's tears* I just know Justin loves you a lot and losing you will make him depressed.

T- I love you, grandpa *as he hugs him for the last time*

G- I love you too Ty! *hugs back and releases him* Now go back and get your man!

T- *giggles* Ok! I will miss you a lot!


T- *feels some type of change and wakes up* Justin?

J- *Looks up* Tyler? *smiles*

T- Justin? *smiles as a tear rolls down his face*

J- Omg Tyler *smiles and hugs Tyler but not to tight* I missed you so much!

T- I missed you too! *hugs him back*

J- I thought I was going to lose you *releases him*

T- Jay you will never and I mean never lose me! *as a tear rolls down his face*

J- *wipes his tears* I love you Ty!

T- I love you too!


I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! I know I haven't updated in a long time buttttt...... I AM BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! YAY! Welp I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter even though I cried. I'm so emotional i'm sorry.

Instagram: Slay_jyler_4_ever

This chapter has 1155 words!

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