Let's Start At (Kinda) The Beginning

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"Well team, that could have gone much worse" Wade said from the other side of the wreckage. I sighed and rolled my eyes, picking my empty gun up off the ground.

"Hey Cami, could you give me a hand?" he asked. I nodded my head in his direction.

"Yeah, what?" I asked.

"No, give me a hand. One's right next to you, the other is somewhere in that general direction" he replied, nodding behind me. I looked down and saw his right hand giving me a thumbs-up, and shook my head as I bent down to pick it up. Being the newest addition to the X-Force and only having known Wade for a little over a month, I still wasn't entirely used to the normalcy of losing body parts. I walked it over to him and tucked it into one of his belt pouches.

"Thanks girlfriend. Now could you get my other one? I think it flew somewhere in the building" he said. I sighed and turned around, jogging towards the now partially blown-up building. I passed Domino trying to help Russell put out some stray flames and continued to the other side of the explosion radius. Spotting it impaled on a stray pipe, I walked over to get it when I heard a muffled cry. I walked into the next room and saw Cable hunched over one of the bad guys' surviving henchmen.

"Please, no" he whimpered before a shot rang out. The man fell to the ground, a dripping red bullet hole between his eyes.

"Aw. But he said please" I said, making Cable turn around. I walked into the room as he stood up and holstered his gun.

"I had to. If he stayed alive-"

"The future would be doomed, I know. It was a joke Cable" I said. He squinted and took a step forward.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Wade?" he said.

"I'm retrieving his hand" I said, lifting it by its pinkie finger to see it making an "ok" symbol. He raised an eyebrow and grunted.

"Jesus Christ" he whispered. I chuckled and put it back down, before returning my attention to Cable.

"Why do you ask?" I asked in a chipper tone, rocking back and forth from the balls of my feet to my heels. He grunted and shook his head before turning away.

"I... didn't want you to see that..." he grumbled. I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Um, I've seen you kill a bunch of times before. What's different about-"

"X-FORCE, ASSEMBLE" Wade yelled from the other side of the explosion. I looked back and sighed, rolling my eyes as I was cut off by his outburst. I turned back to Cable, who had taken the chance to collect his weapons and slung them onto his back. He walked out of the room, and I followed behind, still confused about his statement.

There was no question that I had become slightly attracted to Cable in the time that I'd been a part of X-Force. Despite his menacing glare and older, rugged appearance, there was something about him that had caught my eye. He seemed to always be there at the right time, and was quite protective. And he was a family man (I had learned about his travel from the future to stop Russell from becoming evil and killing his family, and then used his last charge to save Wade); if he couldn't get back to his family, why not take a shot, right?

However, he seemed to not have the same sort of attraction toward me. It was understandable; there was the large age gap, and, again, he had a family some fifty years in the future. But sometimes it seemed like he ignored me on purpose, almost as if he were preventing himself from something.

"Now, what were you two naughties doing? Lefty was poking me near my Cotton-Eyed Joe" Wade said, sitting impaled on a nearby cast-iron fence. I eyed Cable, who simply shook his head and muttered something under his breath. I looked back at Wade and sighed.

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