Pretty Sure This Isn't Possible But Today It Is

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TRIGGER WARNING: MENTION OF DEATH AND BLOOD (don't try this at home kids)

Cable's P.O.V

"Cami! Cami, wake up!" I yelled, holding her limp figure in my arms. Her head lolled back as her eyes closed, and her breathing was becoming more and more shallow. I looked down at the wound on her stomach and scanned it; the clone's blade cut right through the spinal cord and went through to her abdomen, creating severe internal bleeding and loss of motor control. She had moments left until she'd be dead.

I hadn't even noticed the others crowding around us until I looked up. "We have to do something!" I yelled at them, pulling her into my lap. I lifted her in my arms as I stood up, making my way to the jet. I could hear the others on my tail.

"Cable, what can we do?" Wade asked. he ran around in front of me, walking backwards as we made our way up the ramp. "Cable". I set her down gently on a bench nearby and grabbed the emergency kit from underneath. "CABLE!"

"WHAT?" I yelled in his face. I could see his expression change as he shook his head solemnly.

"The blade cut right through her spine. No one could survive that" he said lowly. I shook my head, pulling gauze out of the kit and pressing it to her stomach.

""I've still gotta try" I said through gritted teeth, applying pressure to the wound. If we could just stop the bleeding...

"Cable... She's already brain dead..." Wade replied.

"She's my wife! I still have to try!" I yelled. At that moment, I had an idea, a flashback, almost. I looked back at Wade with wide eyes.

"Do you remember our first fight?" I asked him. His expression changed to one of confusion under the mask, and I whipped around, rummaging through the kit for a syringe.

"What does that have to do with-"

"You fell off the stairs and broke your back" I answered, cutting him off.

"Yeah, and?"

"It broke your collar, which allowed your powers to work again-"

"And I was able to heal myself" he said, finishing my sentence. I finally found a needle, and turned back to Wade holding it up.

"You want to give her my powers to heal her" he continued. I nodded.

"She never gets hurt. She never ages. Wade, this is what happens. I inject her with your blood, and she lives" I replied. He cocked his head to the side.

"But won't that, like, give her my cancer, too?" he asked. I sighed and shook my head.

"Whatever happens, she still lives" I reassured him. He stared at me for a minute in silence. "Please" I begged.

He let out a breath and nodded, pulling up the sleeve of his suit. I sighed in relief and injected the needle into him, pulling back on the syringe, filling it with his blood. Once it was full, I removed it and turned back to Cami, gently turning her to her side. Once I was about to inject her, I stopped and looked to Domino.

"You do it" I said, looking her straight in the eye. She looked surprised and pointed to herself.

"Me? Why me?" she asked.

"Better odds" Wade replied with a shrug. I nodded in agreement. She sighed and knelt down, taking the needle from me and carefully injecting it into Cami's spine.

"This is in violation of so many health codes" Russell muttered under his breath. I gently took Cami's frail hand and brought it to my lips, pressing a kiss to it.

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